Further Reading

Thursday 4 September 2008

How to do Chaos Magick

The concept of chaos magick has been around now for long enough that it is beginning to crystallise into one more specific way of creating magic spells. Actually, it's more like several ways, since you can find several "chaos magic" formulas if you do some research. Chaos Magick practitioners having veered off in different directions since the early days. At its heart, though, chaos magic is a very simple concept.

The concept being the idea that magic works best when the spell is evocative and personal for the person performing it. Instead of charts of correspondences, the practitioner has only to dig into his or her own subconscious to find appropriate spell components.

Step 1
Set the intention of your chaos magic spell. Put your idea into words as clearly and completely as possible. It's not necessary to use these words in your spell, but going through this process can help you to think very specifically about what you are trying to achieve.

Step 2
Brainstorm about associations that you have with the topic of the spell. For example, if you're doing a spell for money, what does money make you think of? Is it associated in your mind with a certain animal, plant, phrase, color, smell, image, person, symbol, object, or anything else you can think of? Making a mind map can be a good way to explore these concepts.

Step 3
Design a chaos magic ritual. Many magical traditions agree that a spell should be engaging on as many levels as possible. Some aspects to consider are the actions you will do, words you will say, time and place for your spell, whether anyone else will be present, what objects you will use and what sounds, smells, and visual elements you want to be part of the setting. These elements don't have to come from any occult tradition, they should just be related to the associations you created earlier.

Step 4
Consider incorporating altered states of consciousness. It's not necessary if they're not meaningful to you, but many chaos magicians find that incorporating atypical mental states into ritual can provide spells with an extra charge. There are a vast number of ways to achieve these states depending on your personal preferences, but they could include meditation, mind altering substances like alcohol, and physical exertion.

Step 5
Wait and see what happens. This is one area where schools of chaos magic differ somewhat. Some practitioners believe that you should try to forget the spell that you cast, while others don't see any point to doing this. Some people even like to keep items from the spell around to remind them that it is in progress.