Further Reading

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Illuminati Conspiracy: Planning Economic Collapse

We may be on the verge of a stock market crash reminiscent of 1929.

The company, Moody, were already on the ropes Monday when its stock crumbled to $4.75 from $11, %60 in one day. It was down from a $70 52-week-high. The company had gone to the Fed for a bailout. It was estimated it needed $40 billion.

Because of the Moody's downgrade, it emerges that it will need alot more money to avert bankruptcy. This is a massive company that holds the pensions of millions of employees. A money manager estimated that a trillion dollars would be lost if AIG declares bankruptcy.

The whole world's financial system could be taken down. Banks in the Far East were already acting like this is inevitable, and the collapse already has been set in motion.

The bottom line is that Tuesday and the rest of this week could be ugly so be prepared. The second bottom line is that this Depression like the last appears to be caused by a deliberate contraction of credit. House prices are falling because banks don't have the money to lend to house buyers. As a result, portfolios holding mortgage backed securities are tumbling, taking banks with them. The Fed, after bailing out Fannie May and Fredie Mack, have let Lehman Brothers fail. AIG appears to be next and the dominoes will continue to fall.

At this time, it is important to remember that an Illuminati defector known as "Svali" said she was taught that the "end of the world" scenario involved an economic collapse. Remember the Illuminati is a Masonic cult founded and funded by the central bankers who own the Fed.

It is reputed that the New World Order will be ushered in with continued conflict in the Mideast, with a severe threat of nuclear war being the culmination of these hostilities. An economic collapse that will devastate the economy of the US and Europe, much like the great depression.

One reason that our economy continues limping along is the artificial supports that the Federal Reserve had given it, manipulating interest rates, etc. But one day, this won't work (or this leverage will be withdrawn on purpose) and the next great depression will hit.

The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in. There will be massive bankruptcies nationwide. Europe will stabilize first,and Germany, France and England (surprise) will have the strongest economies, and will institute through the UN an international currency. Japan will also pull out, although their economy will be weakened.Peacekeeping forces will be sent out by the UN and local bases to prevent riots. The leaders will reveal themselves, and people will be asked to make a pledge of loyalty during a time of chaos and financial devastation.

Doesn't sound pleasant, does it?It's not known what the time frame is, but it is time to pay attention to what is occurring financially in the world ... and be prepared for distractions that will permit this introduction of the NWO to the world.

The good news is that if a person is debt-free, owes nothing to the government or credit debt, and can live self sufficiently, they may do better than others. I would invest in gold, not stocks, if I had the income.

Source: Conspiracy Planet