Further Reading

Monday 22 September 2008

The 'Power' of a Sorcerer

The power of a sorcerer is nothing to do with material 'power' gained through acquired wealth and affluence. The power is one of a magical nature, gained through harsh and often painful experiences encountered on the path through life.

The sorcerer is more often than not tested to his absolute limits. Like the elastic band stretched to breaking point. Like the forearm muscle which is pulled and broken to increase its bulk ....

The 'power' of the sorcerer is in truth the ability to take all the knocks and the disappointments which material life can provide .... then, no matter what, get back up again ... undaunted ... and stand stronger in stature than before ....

No pain, no gain .... is one of the mottos that the sorcerer wears on its sleeve .... 'make me, break me, remake me' .... the other.

The path of the Sorcerer .... the one which leads to the reservoir of this slakeless power ... is more often than not, the path of the selfless soul, who provides undaunted compassion for the other souls on the planet, and expects nothing in return. Compassion is in truth the ultimate power of the sorcerer. The satisfaction of helping others selflessly is the only reward which the sorcerer receives.