Further Reading

Tuesday 9 September 2008

The 'Statue' on Mars

Source: marsanomalyresearch.com

Extract taken from the above site: "The image is an evidence site that was brought to my attention by viewer Marcela Bravo on 1/10/2008. In the above wider area view at the official image resolution, we see a small figure pointed out with the red arrow that strongly suggests a person in a sitting or kneeling position on Mars.

This scene was captured by the Spirit Rover panoramic camera on Sol 1367 in the first four listed black and white raw science data images with the evidence in question in the bottom area of each image.

This scene was then later incorporated as a part of a artificially colorized very wide view West Valley Panorama NASA Photojournal PIA10216 presentation image. It was apparently in the latter image that Marcela Bravo discovered this evidence on the left side or end of that wide panorama image and then brought that to my attention. As it turns out, this may be a solid and remarkable discovery.

In the above first image wider field of view, note the long thin horizontal line the right portion of which is pointed out by the green arrows. This demonstrates that this scene has been extracted from the PIA10216 panorama images that is a mosaic of earlier smaller science data images rather than the originating Sol 1367 raw data images. The reason that I've done this is to demonstrate that there is other important evidence at this site nearby to and germane to the presence of the upright figure evidence.

One set of associative evidence would be what appears to possibly be faintly seen graffiti letters and/or numbers on the ground pointed out by the blue arrows. Of particular note is the number "5" that the right blue arrow is pointing to. When considered alone, this evidence might be dismissed as chance configurations of light and darker tones on the ground but when considered as part of the larger site evidence, the chance factor tends to diminish and the evidence tends to become more significant and telling.

Yet more associative evidence is what appears to be a purposefully placed rock strewn path leading up to the figure object as pointed out and bracketed by the black arrows. This path is a little too directionally straight along its parallel sides and very uniform in its width leading right up to the figure object with the figure too dead centered to be a chance configuration and particularly when the figure evidence is taken into consideration.

The human tendency is to focus only on the more dramatic figure evidence but that would be wrong because it allows more closed minds to dismiss the figure evidence itself as an aberrant chance configuration of geological forms. However, the figure exists in a context of other supportive evidence, none of which should not be ignored, and it is the whole context of evidence that is important and telling."