Further Reading

Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Sting of the Scorpion

Scorpio is the Eighth Sign of the Zodiac. It is associated with beginnings and endings...and those born under this Sign are unafraid of either, possessing a deep, driving desire and unstoppable determination to learn about others.

The Sun enters Scorpio as Autumn advances. It is a time of impending hiberation, but even as the land is chilled, the seeds within the earth promise eventual reawakening. This is the Season of Scorpio...perhaps the most complex of all Zodiac Signs. Is is significant that this Sign has not one symbol, but several: the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix, each contributing distinctive qualities to the Sign's nature. Aggression and instinct are provided courtesy of the Scorpion aspect, illustrated by way of destructive behavior, a viciously competitive personality with a tendency to be violent and cruel.

The Eagle aspect provides a shrewd insight possessed by most Scorpio natives...they have the ability to see what others miss.

They discern hidden motives, ferreting out secret flaws and vulnerabilities. Indeed, due to the thirst for power and mastery, those governed by this Zodiac Sign are not above exploiting the weaknesses of others to their own advantage.

It has been said that counted among the most important tasks of those ruled by Scorpio is the necessity to rid themselves of the tendency to be judgmental, learning to temper their insight with compassion.

Individuals who can manage this difficult assignment manifest the virtues of the Phoenix...the redemptive third aspect of this Sign. Much like the Phoenix, those governed by Scorpio are survivors.

In an emotional sense, they may perish in the ashes of their own destructive nature, but they can also transcend and transform. According to some sources, the Dove is also symbolic of this Sign, lending those it rules the virtue of compassion, as is the Snake or Serpent.

Natives of Scorpio do possess a capacity for high spiritual development, but it is generally believed that their path toward such enlightenment will be the most difficult of the entire Zodiac.

In short, those governed by this Sign must become alchemists...transmuting dark instinct and selfish impulse into purified desire. They must also strive to discipline themselves, working toward curbing and chanelling their considerable power for constructive purposes.

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Source: Novareinna