Further Reading

Sunday 12 October 2008

The Mark of a White Brother

"Those who, with open eyes, enter on occult training need indeed to count the cost. The reward at the end is great, but the path is rough and the true occultist walks it alone. The capacity to stand alone, to assume responsibility, and then to carry all through single-handed, and to brave evil for the sake of good achieved is the mark of a White Brother.

Be prepared then for loneliness, for dangers of a dim and obscure character, and expect to see your life spent for no reward that touches the personality. It is only as the consciousness expands, and one finds one's true position in the cosmic whole that the reward becomes apparent; cease from fear, and know that the personality is only temporary, and what matter if it suffers?"

'Treatise of White Fire' Rule 10, p348-349 , by Alice. A. Bailey