Further Reading

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Meditation: Trust Your Own Instincts

Sit in a quite place. Make sure you are comfortable. Place both feet on the ground and begin to mentally prepare for you meditation.

Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Always focus on each breath. If you become distracted return to the breathing. Take a few minutes of this breathing relaxation to prepare for your mindful meditation.



Relax deeper into your chair. Think of nothing but breathing.

Picture in your mind a walkway. It is narrow and enclosed by blank, clean walls. Walk down this pathway until you come to an opening. It may be a door, or a gate, or a just a break in the wall. Go through the opening and find yourself in a deep, quiet, safe open space. It may feel like a forest or a cave or an valley.

Whatever it seems to you, it is safe. It is safe for you to sit down and wait.

The place you have chosen is very quiet. It is all yours. There is no one else aware of your place. No one expects anything from you. Allow yourself to sit quietly as long as you like.

When you are ready become aware of another presence nearing you. It is of you, and brings various messages. Whatever you have been seeking, this presence is aware of and has a feeling to share with you. It has an essence to give you that will make you aware of the answers to your own questions. Ask it any question you may have. Ask it to please answer you in whatever way it is able. Ask it for help, then wait. An answer will come. You will feel the answer inside yourself. Another presence may join you. Ask for additional information or ask for new feelings to answer another question. The answers will come to you.

Always know you are safe with each question, each answer, each presence. Stay with your thoughts in this place until you are ready to return. You will feel in touch with this inner messenger and you will trust the answers that came to you.

Know that you can return here any time. You may come back for new answers or to reaffirm the feelings you have just received. Thank those that came to you this day. Acknowledge the feelings that are part of you. Hold dear your sense of instinct and intuition. They are the conscious source of this intuition. Allow them to become part of your life.

Get ready to leave this place you created. It is your sacred place now and you will return often to gather more information for your life.

Walk back through the opening, back down the long pathway. You may be moving slightly more quickly now, Anxious to awaken with your new sense of yourself, anxious to see how this will become part of your life. Your breathing may become quicker. Notice your breathing. Pause a moment and open your eyes.