Further Reading

Tuesday 14 October 2008

The New World Order: Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Fact?

The New World Order is no longer a conspiracy theory; it is an established fact.

The "New World Order" has been a prominent conspiracy theory for decades. Here and now, as the new millennium dawns, the New World Order has become a globally recognised political concept, and as such it can no longer be regarded simply as a theory.

Mankind is now literally entering a new age, the Age of Aquarius, according to the ancient zodiacal calendar which is as old as human civilisation. Aquarius is associated by astrologers with brotherhood, or fraternity, which is the cornerstone of Freemasonry. The previous zodiacal age was that of Pisces. The zodiacal symbol of Pisces, the fish, is also an important Christian symbol, and it is noteworthy that the age of Pisces coincided with the age of Christianity. During the previous age dates were written with the suffix "A.D." which stands for "Anno Domini" or "Year of Our Lord" denoting the era of Christ. Alternatively, dates were denoted "B.C." - "Before Christ".

In 2002 AD, as the Age of Pisces was giving way to the new age of Aquarius, the decision was officially taken to replace the BC/AD date referencing system with the new CE/BCE references which stand for "Common Era" and "Before the Common Era".

What better way for the New Secular Order to proclaim the beginning of its reign than to secularise the way in which dates are recorded, replacing the Christian dating system of the old Order with a new, secular system for the for the Aquarian age?

Consider the official Great Seal of the Unites States of America, which is most commonly seen on the back of the one the dollar bill - probably the world's most familiar banknote. On the US Great Seal, beneath the ancient Pyramid, is the Latin inscription: "Novus Ordo Seclorum". The official translation of this motto is "A New Order of the Ages". The Latin word "Novus" means "New", and "Ordo" means "Order".

The Latin word "Seclorum" and its English equivalent "Secular" both share the same three alternative definitions: (1) "Secular" - without religion; (2) "Worldly" - of this world; and (3) "From century to century" - or from age to age. Thus, the motto "Novus Ordo Seclorum" has three different but equally valid translations:

New Secular Order
New World Order
New Order of the Ages

The different meanings of Novus Ordo Seclorum are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are synergistic. The alternative translations are all as pertinent today as they were "at the beginning of the new American era in 1776." Let this be a testament the wisdom of the men who chose these words, for they demonstrate the esoteric power of language and the written Word.

If secret societies are able to display such esoteric and Masonic symbolism so prominently for us all to see, then perhaps this is indeed the age of Freemasonry. Amen.