Further Reading

Sunday 26 October 2008


There are many enigmatic relics belonging to the famous Europide population (part of Cro-Magnon, sometimes having the Brünn's or Predmost's features) that existed in South America (Eastern region), almost reaching the Western Australian shore, and covering the Polinesian islands and the lands that sank 10 -12,000 years ago. We're talking about the population which was called by the Aymaras Indians "Viracochas" ("the white man with red beard") and who called themselves, "The Sons of the Sun".

Viracochas' knowledge was superior to the Inka or Maya. To the "sons of the sun" was attributed the construction of the fortresses of Tiahuanaco, Sacsayhuaman and Cerra Gallan. When the Spanish came to conquer South America, the Indians thought the Spaniards were the grandchildren of Viracochas. They were claiming that Viracochas came from the ocean and they were ruled by someone called Quetzalcoatl (by the Aztecs), Kukulkan (by the Mayas), Amalivaka (by the Tamanacs), Manco-Capac (by the Inkas), Viracocha (by the Aymaras). But all of them described him similarly: a tall white man, blue eyed, with long blond-reddish hair and beard.

They were said to had built the fortresses of Tiahuanaco, Sacsayhuaman, Cerra Gallan ("the fortresses of the flying men") even before the end of the Würm period, when the ice melted (10,000 B.C.)

In 1930, 800 skeletons were found in the North part of Mexico. They were European Homo Sapiens Fossilis, but 2.44 meters tall. At Montezuma King's court, the conquistadores (Cortez expedition) discovered a white woman belonging to the tribes who always attacked the Northern territories of the state.