Further Reading

Wednesday 22 October 2008

A Word on 'the 2 of Crescents'

Source: Daily Merlin Insight 'Very Controversial Insight' (28th August 2007)

The 2 of Crescents is the 'replica' of the original which Madeleine appears to represent; her means of conception surely ... outrage and perhaps 'uncovered mysteries' ... something clearly links the Mccanns to some influential sphere of station ... this is not an ordinary abduction case. Nor is it a case of mistaken identity. Nor is the media speculation true in any way. It has suited the Maker to be out there in the public in the way it has been. It may now be ordered by assumed places of power to calm down ... but those behind the curtain are in truth more powerful than those faces. But it now must tie in carefully to dates, times and places. There is a busy schedule ahead. Drawing it out of the public eye ... permits the story to be buried beneath layers and become concealed. Then the true intentions take place behind closed doors. For it to then surface again once more ... this most truly is intended as a test of wills. A political battlefield.

The Shining Star ... is most definitely still alive. The media circus has been silenced, leaving only speculation out there in cyberspace. Her safe release is still an occurrence seen by foresight. She and her family are gripped by a 'political rapture' and those who hold them in that vice grip are still not for relinquishing that hold ...

There are too many distractions around the Shining Star at this time to make a strong connection, but there is a sense of calmness where there was confusion. Those who hold her aware it is inevitable that there is an end coming to the situation.

There is much more to be said about the current silence. The current free reign that the 'instigators' have. But it is also a quiet, cool period for those investigating the instigators to travel freely without the Media hounds on their backs. The word 'infiltrate' the instigators ranks sprung to mind.

Don't forget the 'abduction' had been planned weeks/months prior to the night of 3rd May 2008. The resultant media confusion and bamboozling of the public with the facts/non-facts has served to hide who was really involved ... it's hidden who was there on the night in question.

No real facts have yet emerged with regards to anything ... other than the 'cock ups' and the false accusations.