Further Reading

Monday 17 November 2008

Dream Interpretation - The Mystery of Dreams - Symbols Indicating Danger - The Spider

Our dreams are strange and mysterious because they follow a logic that is totally different from the logic of our human conscience and their language is also totally different from the languages we are used to. We are used to languages made with words, while our dreams' language is made with images, sensations and feelings.

The dreams have an author: the wise unconscious mind, which is wise and has a saintly character. This is an organ that doesn't belong to the human being - it is given to him by a superior human conscience that has reached perfection and could be named God.

The information and the guidance you have in dreams is always protective. The unconscious mind is always trying to protect your mental health from the attacks of the anti-conscience, the wild side of your conscience, which is primitive, violent and evil. It lives constantly trying to destroy the human side of your conscience through craziness in order to control your behavior, and this is why the unconscious mind lives constantly protecting your human side, sending you secret messages in a symbolic form, so that the anti-conscience won't understand its directions.

There is an invisible fight inside you, between the wise unconscious mind that tries to save your humanity eliminating the poisonous anti-conscience, and this dangerous part of your brain and psyche that is so cruel and wild. You represent the human side of your conscience, the only part of your brain you have access to.

The other parts are invisible for you, but they are fighting for you: the human conscience.

The evil anti-conscience wants to destroy you completely and take your place, while the wise and saintly unconscious mind is trying to save you and transform you into a wise, sensible and sensitive human being, so that you may live happily forever.

Dream Symbols which indicate great danger are the following:

The Spider - If you see a spider in a dream, this is reason for alarm. The spider represents a great danger threatening your future. If you don't pay attention to various important details of reality and if you don't do what you must in order to solve an important problem, the consequences will be very bad for you. The spider is trying to show you that there is an invisible trap in the air. The dream messages have a protective character and that your worst enemy is the anti-conscience that tries to destroy the human side of your conscience through craziness.

What does it mean? It means that this wild part of your brain is constantly invading the conscious field and trying to make you follow its suggestions. If you pay attention to them and you follow them, you start losing the notion of what you are doing and you also start losing control of your life and your behavior.

Now, the spider may represent a danger in your daily life, which is also related to the anti-conscience. Everything that happens with you can give an opportunity to the anti-conscience to start influencing your thoughts and your behavior, while pushing you towards the labyrinth of craziness.

The spider means that you cannot postpone an obligation, you cannot avoid taking action, you must do something urgently, otherwise you'll have serious problems in the future.