Further Reading

Tuesday 11 November 2008

From the school run to the Oval Office ...

Source: Daily Mail

In the morning the school run - in the afternoon the Oval Office. Just another extraordinary day in the life of Barack Obama.

First he tenderly kissed his two daughters, Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7, as he helped them out of an armour-plated, bullet-proof car, weighed down by their school backpacks.
Then he flew to Washington with his wife Michelle to get his first real taste of life as 44th President of the United States.

At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it was a rite of passage that has been played out between incoming and outgoing presidents for decades. But never has the White House hosted such a historic transition from the old to the new.

For nearly 22 months on the campaign trail, Barack Obama could only dream about walking into the Oval Office as America’s first black president.

Yesterday, his improbable dream was written into the history books as he got a two-hour look at his new home for the next four years. He will not officially get the keys to the White House until his inauguration on January 20.