Further Reading

Thursday 20 November 2008

Oops... Astronaut loses tool bag while carrying out DIY repairs on ISS spacewalk

It's a common question voiced by many exasperated DIY enthusiasts... just where did I put my tool bag? For one astronaut, making repairs to the International Space Station, the answer was unfortunately into infinity.

Lead spacewalker Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper was working on restoring full power to the orbital outpost when she lost her vital kit, 200 miles above Earth.

The astronaut from the Endeavour shuttle had realised one of the grease guns she was using had leaked, soiling her glove. Then, as she attempted to wipe the grease from her hands, the bag containing her tools floated off into space.

'Oh, great,' said Stefanyshyn-Piper, who was making her third spacewalk. 'You see it?'
Crewmates monitoring the spacewalk from inside the shuttle spied the bag drifting past the station and off into space. Thankfully experts believe it will eventually spiral down into Earth's atmosphere where it will burn up. (Source: Daily Mail)