Further Reading

Sunday 28 December 2008

Aura Cleansing

The aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds and penetrates the physical body along with the chakras and energy meridians which supply us with Qi or energy. The aura consists of various layers of energy which vibrate at different rates and relate to different aspects of ourself, the physical, emotional, mental, astral and spiritual.

It also serves to function as a protective layer in the prevention of illness. Psychic healers can sense or see this field.If any of the layers are damaged or weak a person may experience symptons of a disease corresponding to that layer. Since the aura both gives off energy and also takes in energy it can be weakened for example by negative people or situations or places or illness itself.

In a healthy body, each layer of the aura is brightly coloured, vibrant, full of energy, and flowing. When one's energy becomes imbalanced, stagnant, or blocked, the aura can have the appearance of being discoloured, ripped, torn, or dented.

The chakras in a healthy body should also appear clear, vibrant, and full of energy. They should be round in appearance and rotating in a clockwise direction. When afflicted, the chakras can appear cracked, deformed, or out of alignment with each other. If there is an imbalance in one of the layers of the aura or one of the chakras, it can have a direct effect of the information processed.

Aura Cleansing seeks to cleanse negative energy patterns, release blockages and strengthen the various layers.

Every emotion or thought we experience is reflected in some way in the energy field. The food and drink we choose, any drugs, medicinal or otherwise, our environment, all affect the aura. To keep the aura in great shape we need to make wise choices about our lifestyle, but most of us will benefit from a cleansing regime too.

There are many ways for you to help yourself by cleansing your own energy and the energy in your home. Here are a few:

Cleansing Your Energy
1. Use salt and water to neutralize toxic psychic energies. You can make up a saltwater solution and put it in a spray bottle or take a bath with salt added.
2. Mix a 1/2 cup of baking soda in with your bath water.
3. Mix a 1/4 cup Epsom salt with 1 cup baking soda and 1 tablespoon salt. Soak for 10-15 minutes. (This is especially good for psychic tension, when you're feeling overly sensitive.)
4. Use dried basil bath to cleanse the energy when there are too many negative (or aggressive) people around you. Make a tea from the basil, add it to bath water and soak for six minutes.

Taking in Raw Chi (Energy)
1. You can take in raw energy from trees, just make sure they are mature (at least 20 years old). Stand with your back to the tree for 10 minutes.
2. Walk barefoot through the grass or on the ground, and kind of scrape your feet!
3. Drink water that has been sitting in the sun.

Cleaning the Energy in Your Home
1. Smudge with sage, cedar or lavender.
2. Smudge sticks can be found in most New Age or Metaphysical stores. These cleanse the negative energy. Be sure to move around the room and don't forget to do the corners. It is a good idea to open a window.
3. To change the energy in your house and bring in Divine Love, mix 1/4 teaspoon brown sugar with 2 drops honey. Spread it over a piece of charcoal (purchase this in metaphysical stores). Meditate over the charcoal, concentrating on your intention for two minutes. Light the charcoal and let it burn