Further Reading

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Eight of Weapons, The Two Old Dears, The Shimmy Sham Mushroom Syndrome ...

Apologies for the lack of Daily Merlin Insights in recent weeks. It has been impossible to focus with sufficient clarity to undertake DMI's at this time. The main focus has been on 'material bread winning'. No new channelled information has been received in truth. My mind has been turned to the manifest and a hectic schedule to get a huge tender out in time.

Servants of the Light and Merlin Tarot images are still reviewed fairly regularly, but they merely report the same information. It would purely be a rehash of insights already featured on A Light In The Darkness. The 'dizzy heights' required to really focus on remote viewings is not possible to be reached when mental awareness is on the mundane.

I sadly have not been able to dedicate enough time to the situation. But, with the tender submission date being tomorrow ... and a weekend of rest and battery recharging we should be able to resume the holy grail ... identifying accurately the location epitomised by the 8 of Weapons (shown above). My new colleague, John, shares similar view to me on these matters. His attention is drawn to the early days in May 2007 ... and his own 'guides' information which he receives in dream state. As a quick digression, John is happy to receive information from unknown 'guides' which is the traditional and much popularised means of new age mediumship. He won't mind me 'belittling' this format, as I've never had a 'guide' in my entire life. Not one Native American or China Man or Princess or whatever has stepped forward. My information has always been given by persons I have known in life ... the exception being the two old dears ... neither of which I have met, but both of which are known to me. But it is each to their own ... no way is the wrong way and no way is necessarily the right way.

I know I can see the two old dears in my mind's eye. Even now ... one with her arms folded. The other watching me. They are both serious in their intentions to provide more concise and uncoded information relating to late April 2007 and early May 2007. Apparently, joe public has been treated with the Mushroom Syndrome ... many of the tales released and statements gathered are 'BS' ... total BS. The Old Dear with her arms folded is not using words that can be printed here. She is amazed it is still going on. Amazed that the location which is close to home has not been sussed. The little one may have been on her travels but a minder known to her may well have had her in the early days. There are many mysteries within mysteries here ... and it goes back many years. Old grudges are not easily forgotten ....

John will report on a number of his dreams in recent weeks. He has been keeping a dream diary for years apparently. His Wife thinks he is nuts and he is glad to have someone (me) to listen and take him seriously. He reckons that one of his guides appears as a Labrador ... and has human speech. He often follows the Labrador (who he calls Conrad for some reason) ... and it takes him to places where he watches scenes unfold. Apparently sometime last year he was shown a Black German car with dark windows. A little girl was seen to be getting out of the car. When I suggested it was MM ... I showed him the photo from the Belgian footage. He was adamant it was MM in the dream. She was apparently calling someone in the car Auntie ... and in another scene the girl was with Annie. He'd been aware of the MM story but had not been following it.

His abilities have been 'tested' by yours truly in recent weeks. His answers and insights have been impressive. Hence my decision to ask him to join the team. Showing him the 8 of Weapons and asking him where ... was interesting ... he gave me a location in the UK before I told him the significance of the card!!!

It's time thus to dedicate time once more the the holy grail and come up with more answers. I still know one thing for sure, though, Madeleine McCann is too precious a cargo to be expended. She is still alive 100%. The two old dears agree ... their connection with the other side has never once indicated anything contrary. They are eager too to mention once more the towel which was uncovered on the waste ground. They also ask me to talk about the cine apartment and the planted information there to make it look like the McCanns had possible killed their child. The smell of death and the like was a shimmy sham ... an illusion to deceive as part of a story line. That part is quite clear as it took the entire public side of it off the track ... away from Spain back to Portugal ... and the death hoax .... a key time in the entire thing.

More on that later. One of the two old dears is beginning to talk ... and the information does not sound particularly nice for the British Lion and those bought by loyalty. The medical profession somewhere has an involvement in more than one country. Anyway enough for now ....