Further Reading

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Interesting post from Wraith

Just like to thank Wraith for her contribution to the blog. I have been really busy with having eldest son here from NZ, showing him around Canberra and of course getting my own back on him too! Aaahhhh sweet revenge.....
More of that later, I haven't finished with him yet.
Spooky has also been extremely busy with his bar, working long hours, so he is having a break from forums/blogs etc but we would like to thank him also for his contributions the last year.
I am sure he will be back once he has sorted things with his business.
Matt posts during the week when he can, and John will also be contributing soon. I haven't met John yet, but Matt says he is a brilliant medium, just hides it well!
Be interesting.
Also hoping Ben will add an article or two about his music/healing talents. We have a CD from him he kindly posted and yes he plays music well! Excellent. Talented man.