Further Reading

Monday 1 December 2008

Introducing Myself ....

A short introduction about myself. My name is John, married to Julia and we have 2 boys, Josh and Luke. I was born and raised in Sunderland, UK, but during a holiday with my parents to Australia, I met and later married Julia and of course moved here to Australia.

Like Matthew, I am in the construction industry, and at the moment am working along side Matthew on this huge project we have been assigned, although I have to admit, Matthew has the harder job of the two of us. I have always had a interest in the spiritual side of things, my grandfather I believe was a medium, but as a small boy, I wasn't too sure how he seemed to know so much!

I attended spiritual churches, much to the amusement of my friends, who thought an evening at the local pub with spirits behind the bar was much more fun.

I have had many experiences during my life, many visions, premonitions, etc but have kept these to myself for most of my years, even from Julia.

I discover 'by accident' that Matthew was also a medium, although admittedly, I had my suspicions about him. He introduced me to his blog, I read some of his work, articles etc...I was impressed. He asked me a few weeks ago if I would like to contribute, but I had such a workload (still have) that I hesitated a while.

But as Matthew explained, it can be a good thing to 'switch off' from construction and daily mundane things and post an item or two on the Blog, it helps the soul relax and chill he says. So, I will be posting some of my experiences soon and hope you enjoy them.
