Further Reading

Saturday 13 December 2008

A Quick Insight: Again, the White Lady

A quick insight for Saturday 13th December 2008 using Servants of the Light tarot. With no particular focus, it was very much the first three images which instinct chose.

The Strength card (illustrated right) with the reappearance of the 'White Lady' and her symbolic fixing of the red lion's jaw. A traditional image of the tarot for Strength. On her head is a ring of garlands and above her head is the figure of eight symbol of infinity. Perhaps the message here is that the White Lady must remain strong indefinitely ... working to aid the red lion and its dominated forces.

The second image is that of Temperance and that of the great archangel balancing the scales (of justice) over the mouth of a river? Another symbolic image. The river winding into the background between two mountains. Perhaps the two mountains represent two opposing forces relying on the 'healing of Raphael' to ease them of their great burden. The great Raphael to pour water on troubled waters in some way. Both forces respecting the symbolism of the Archangel Raphael but in different ways. Healing. Healing waters. Balancing. Temperance.

Finally, the Ten of Spheres. It indicates ten flower pots with ten plants growing out of the pots. The head of each plant being a glowing sphere. This is an image of growth or nurturing. Conception. Seeds growing into living forms. The apparent central theme to the three images. Forms brought into life viewed differently by two opposing forces.

The White Lady somehow drawn into the middle of it all. Around her a group which were once together in conformity now split into two opposing forces. There is an ancient belief system encapsulated around the situation. Modern day medicine or medical science techniques within it ... the archangel of Raphael, the healer of souls. The imagery of the archangel indicating him/her eyes closed in almost a 'having to choose' mood ... with a quill in left hand writing down those who are fortunate enough to receive this treatment. It is not available to all ... the burden placed on the White Lady being because she was chosen for this treatment which was opposed perhaps by someone who was less fortunate. Perhaps they thought it was their rightful place which was taken ... thus the burden of disappearance was placed on the White Lady? And her role of healing the Red Lion part of her appeasement?

The three images have the numerology of 8, 5 (1 + 4) and 10 (1 or 2 x 5). Again, within this symbolism we see the great number 2, that of duality. We also have the number 5, that of the pentagram. We can also uncover the 555. The sequence is could be 1, 5, 8 or 5, 8, 10 but in imagery terms it is 8, 10, 14 ... which totals 32 which equals 5 which equals the pentagram.

Copyright Matthew James 13/12/08