Further Reading

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Consciousness and Existence

From the wider point of view the terms initiation and individualization are synonymous; they both express the idea of an expansion of consciousness, or of entrance into a new kingdom of nature. The faculty of acquiring knowledge must be realized as paralleling the development of the sense of sight, or vision, as earlier pointed out.

The fire of mind shone forth and illuminated animal man in Lemurian days, during that vast cycle wherein sight opened up for him the physical plane. The relationship between sight and mind is a very close one, and must not be lost from sight.

In the first round, and in the first root-race of this round, hearing was the sense developed. In the second round and the second root-race touch was evolved. In the third round and corresponding root-race sight was added to the other two, and the Self which hears, and the Not-self which is touched, or apprehended as tangible, are related and connected by sight, - the correspondence to the intelligence that links.

Thus is brought about the blending of the three fires, and illumination is present. But through all this evolutionary development the ONE Who hears, touches, and sees, persists and interprets according to the stage of the development of the manasic principle within Him.

This basic Interpreter is the Entity Who is independent of an existence which ever necessitates a form. His is the life that causes matter to vibrate and He is therefore "fire by friction"; His is the life of pure Spirit which wills to be, and which utilizes form, and is therefore electrical impulse on the cosmic physical plane or "electric fire"; His is the life that not only animates the atoms and electrifies them by His Own nature, but likewise knows itself to be one with all yet apart from all, - the thinking, discriminating, Self-realizing something that we call MIND or Solar Fire. (Alice A Bailey)