Further Reading

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Daily Merlin Insight: The Shining Star

Daily Merlin Insight
21st January 2009
Using Servants of the Light tarot

Using the preferred image of The Shining Star, a quick insight for Madeleine to access the current situation.

Five of Spheres
Nine of Stave
Four of Staves
The Devil

The atmosphere of this working is very much that of impatience and timing. There is no despair or eventual disappointment. Something here will be resolved, eventually. The 9 of Staves indicates some ‘odd’ or ‘false’ about the obstacles now being placed between a current position and completion … ‘a breach in a solid wall has been partially filled with wooden planks’ … there has been a breach in some organisation which has been hastily filled in which stood up to first scrutiny but which heralded information on closer inspection.

The Devil indicates the sense of continuing fear or threats. ‘The Fool’ shown in the 5 of Spheres cannot be complacent. There is still uncertainty and trepidation. However the sense of loss displayed by the 5 of Spheres and the feeling of loss … can be replaced with strengthening hope. There will be a breakthrough. The combined power of The Devil and the 4 of Staves appears powerful … the fear generated as a form of defence by an organisation or individual which much to lose … the card hints at ‘four paths’ or ‘four connections’ to the crown … the crown as in the connection between London-Washington-Vatican City. The trail from its outer most layer … the apparent perpetrators appears to have a definite direction through the many inner layers that leads to the core of something much bigger! The deeper into the layers the higher up the pyramid of influence the connection goes. The Man in the Moon stands in the centre. A generator of hate and inhumane actions it seems. There is a force which reverberates through the layers and directs at The Jester through the ‘chess pieces’ on the outer skin …The Man in the Moon treats it all as a game. Pawns in a web of influence. A man above the law.

The Jester seems to have been involved in something which was against the Judgement of this figure at the centre. An abominable crime it seems. The original abductors seem to be henchman of a secret order, but apparently without a clear connection? This is pure speculation …

Old news and circles within circles has covered tracks and created delays. Though through the smokescreens there is a sense of two abductions? A rescue from the original perpetrators and then a taking by ‘caring custodians’?? This sense of protection the second time around is strong … and this second group seem fearful or reluctant to let The Shining Star go for fear of the reprisals cast into the web by the Man in the Moon. Speculation suggests a Jesuit link within this situation …

Someone of influence got wind of a gathering of some significance around the end of April 2007 … something which was deemed as unacceptable. This seems to have sparked off a chain reaction many months before this time … because the plans for this gathering were made some time before. The reverberation of the plans through certain halls were far reaching. There was a sense of rebellion/revulsion perhaps felt in these preceding months. Dark clouds gathering.

The events of 3rd May 07 are shrouded in mystery and confusion as a means of protection. Plans to safeguard endangered parties seems to have been in place? Madeleine being targeted is not clear before 3rd May 2007, but someone was …

There seems some secret doctrine/dossier … in crown places prior to this event. Something with priority stamped across its file.

Madeleine is alive and well. I still grasp that vibration from all I feel from this working. Old news covers up the tracks of what is going on, I feel safe to say this. Progress is much further on that is realised. Negotiations are somewhere there in the background. A re-emergence is still set in stone and written in the ethers.

A feeling of warmth and hyperactive energy from the picture. "She's not forgotten. She still remembers. She still knows who her Mummy & Daddy are." There is currently a sore throat and a cough. A weakness around the calves? Around her the snow of winter in which she feel after sliding. She is ok. She still puts her finger in her mouth and often complains of a sore tummy ... a dull ache. She still has a loud voice and is still a handful. A memory now of her hiding one time in the past where nobody could find her? She caused a few worried faces. Somewhere slippery wooden floor .. on which she would slide with purple socks?? Sniffle in her nose ... and a piercing gaze. Looking straight at the person almost viewing the soul ... undaunting. This IS a lovely child. A child that very much deserves to be back with her parents and family. Those who hold her ... know the truth and the reason but are bound to loyalty. A man which she views as dark in colour ... she sees him as a blob in black ... she doesnt like. He comes around a lot and controls them all. He has a go at her and upsets her about her family. She wishes he wasn't there ... he says that Daddy and Mummy must do what they are told ... he doesnt want them to have her back. He is not nice to her. But others are kind and after he goes they wipe her tears and tells her it isnt true. There two women like priests or nuns who are kind who she likes. They teach her things and make her smile and let her dance. She draws and cuts things out. She looks out often through a window which has got tiny panels of colour (leaded glass). She sings and she dances to herself. Out of the window she sees the fence and the woods. She sees it snow and gets excited. They take her out to play. There is not always someone with her ...

Copyright Matthew James 21st January 2009