Further Reading

Monday 26 January 2009

The Foot Chakra

The Chakra Energy System functions as a conduit through which divine energy passes into the spiritual and physical body. Without these energy portals, you would cease to exist because all energy comes from the Universal Source and is not derived from your own being.

Now, there are many of these energy centers located throughout your body. Traditionally there are seven major chakra. These seven energy portals rest at various points along the body: the base of the spine, the sexual, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the brow, and the crown (above the head). However, despite these seven, there are more that need to be examined. In this chapter we will start with the energy center that is left out, but is just as important as those seven. This center is the foot chakra, and let's call this center the zero chakra, just to keep with the conformity of the present chakra numbering system.

In a physical sense, the foot chakra is actually a split energy center, with each half sitting in the ball of each foot. If you were to place your feet together, these centers would seem to combine and make a complete energy center. However, regardless of whether the feet are physically next to each other, these split-centers, on each foot, are always linked and are always complete.

Now, the foot chakra is an important center in that it is here that divine energy returns back to the Source. It is the last point at which the energy is a part of you. Traditional thinking places the base chakra as this grounding point; however, that reasoning is not entirely correct. You see! The base (or root) chakra's function is more than just a grounding center. It actually functions as an energy transformation point where divine energy gets slowed down so that it can pass into the Earth quickly and effortlessly. While the base chakra does the actual conversion, it does not do the actual passing of the energy. Furthermore, the energy at the foot chakra remains elusive because this chakra, and the energy contained in it, has been nearly transformed into an Earth-based energy. Hence, as far as you can tell, the last place you perceive energy movement in the chakra system is at the base chakra, so you assume that no other major energy centers exist below it.

An ideally, fully-open foot chakra would have no swirling whatsoever in it. It would pass energy out as quickly as it entered.

Also, with the foot chakra blocked, all the areas of humanness get affected negatively. The individual poorly integrates with peers and loved ones and can not understand other people's point of view. In an extreme case, such an individual will rebel against society and claim that everyone is after him and out to do him in. They become very fearful and may even resort to violence as a kind of defence mechanism to protect the little energy that they have that is still of use to them. Some types of destructive behaviours stem from an extensively blocked-up foot chakra. (Source: wisdomsdoor.com)