Further Reading

Thursday 29 January 2009

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the most important chakra of all, because it contains the seed for the ability to feel divine, pure love for everyone and everything.

Pure love is love that is devoid of egoism, of calculation, of any kind of demand. When two people who love each other purely are together, then figures quite beyond description are created above them, e.g. like a rose-pink rainbow, shining in al the most beautiful rose-pink colours, and rose-pink flowers of all shades can be seen, as rose-pink is the colour of this chakra.

Pure love is the most important quality in a human being, anything else is subordinate.

Any intellectual knowledge about this or that is completely subordinate the ability to feel love. Love is what the universal consciousness demands its children to learn, and it is the only real demand for spiritual development. Any technique, any kind of control, any intellectual knowledge is subordinated the law of love. Universal Consciousness is pure love, and the most principal duty for its children on their journey back to to Universal Consciousness is to learn to feel this pure love for others.

Because love is also the creative aspect in life, many negative things has happened in those societies, where there have been an emphasis on the intellectual and academic knowledge. Here much has been lost, and countless people have had their development amputated, because their creativity has been stifled in the years of growth, and thereby their ability to love.

To work creatively does not only mean to
paint or to write, there are lots of ways in which to work creatively. Common to them all is that one uses ones ability to create - the power that manifests through ones hands or mouth - and that one has opportunities for development of this discharge of energy.

The educational system in the so-called civilized countries on Earth has been amputated though the demands for intellectual effectiveness, and thereby many a heart chakra has been blocked over the years.

When talking on the theme of blockages in the chakras there is no reason to despair because of this, for life is arranged so suitable, that one begins to clear and cleanse all the blockages one has developed, as soon as one makes the decision that one wants to be cleansed. One can then do different things in order to ease the process, like meditating, or practising
yoga or other bodily techniques. One can even get rid of many blockages by swimming regularly, because water has healing powers.

Therefore: if you want to get rid of the blockage in your heart chakra, then do not despair; of course it will take some time before your prayer will be granted, but it will happen sooner or later as you wish, especially because it is a positive wish, and because you will receive help from the
spiritual dimensions to have your wish fulfilled.