Further Reading

Thursday, 8 January 2009

How Remote Viewing Works

Technical Remote Viewing is a highly structured and standardized technique that allows you to consistently obtain accurate information, on demand, using a rigorously applied set of protocols.

It is a trained ability to acquire accurate direct knowledge of things and events - targets - distant in time or space, while conscious awareness remains totally "blind" to details about the target itself. It is a data collection skill. Like any other skill, practice is required to become proficient. The TRV techniques result in an accurate transfer of information from the viewer's unconscious mind into conscious awareness, before the aware, creative, and analytical part of the mind has time to distort, contaminate, or otherwise interfere with the data flow. The target information is then converted into words or sketches, using only a pen and plain white paper. During this process, the viewer becomes linked directly to the collective unconscious - also referred to as the Matrix. The process works whether the target is in the next room or on the other side of the world. This information can exist anywhere in time or at any point in the Universe, as mind exists outside of time and space.

All humans have the innate potential to receive detailed information on a target, using only their minds. But throughout history, only a small number of exceptional natural psychics developed their ability to a point of repeatability and consistency. It was not until the late twentieth century when the U.S. intelligence community poured millions of research dollars into the area of psychic functioning that a true breakthrough was realized. In an effort to use psychics for intelligence gathering purposes, the Defense Intelligence Agency contracted Stanford Research Institute to develop a reliable technique that could be used to collect accurate information on distant targets.

The outcome of this research was a set of protocols and a training program that allowed virtually anyone to be trained to perceive psychically derived information, while surpassing the accuracy of the best known natural psychics. For the first time, a remote viewer could learn how to consistently separate imagination from true target data and remain locked on to the target signal. Unlike earlier research involving "out-of-body experiences" and freestyle Extended Remote Viewing (ERV), the remote viewer worked fully conscious at a state of high attention. The protocols were designed to slowly bring the viewer to closer target contact, working from the general to the specific, collecting bits and pieces of data in a specific and structured manner, with all viewers following the same rigorously applied six stage process. (Source: remoteviewing.com)