Further Reading

Tuesday 20 January 2009

The Nature of Manifestation

Taken from "A Treatise On Cosmic Fire" by Alice Bailey

"Here are three important questions to be dealt with as one, all bearing on the same subject, and all concerned with the fact of intelligent objectivity itself. Perhaps if we paraphrased the threefold query, and brought it down to microcosmic objectivity, the problem might not appear so complex. We might express it thus:

What is the thought aspect of a human being?
Why is his mind and mental process of such importance?
Who is the Thinker?

Man, in essential essence, is the higher triad demonstrating through a gradually evolving form, the egoic or causal body, and utilizing the lower threefold personality as a means to contact the lower three planes. All this has for purpose the development of perfect self-consciousness. Above the triad stands the Monad or the Father in Heaven - a point of abstraction to man as he views the subject from the physical plane. The Monad stands to him in the position of the Absolute, in the same sense as the undifferentiated Logos stands to the threefold Trinity, to the three Persons of logoic manifestation. The parallel is exact."