Further Reading

Monday 26 January 2009

The New Gods Of Finance Will Crush The Middle Class

Extract taken from The International Forecaster.com

We are now on the same path taken by the Roman Empire as it declined into a perverse, deviant, indolent, corrupt and bloodthirsty caricature of its former glory, a glory that was eclipsed by our beloved America of yesteryear, that has now been in a breathtaking decline for many decades thanks to the utterly despicable actions taken by our corrupt politicians and captains of industry who care only about themselves.

We have a cabal of several thousand filthy-rich miscreants spoiling what could have been healthy, plentiful, productive and meaningful lives for billions of people around the globe. But no, these Shylocks have to have it all. Their lust for money and power is unquenchable, as these servants of Satan weave their web of fraud and deceit to entrap their fellow men in a plan to destroy, impoverish and enslave them. Murder and blood-lust is a way of life for them, and has been for many centuries, as the parents of millions of fallen soldiers and the relatives of millions of victims of pogroms, and genocides like the Holocaust, can well attest. Nothing gets in the way of these loathsome pieces of fecal detritus when it comes to accumulating power and profits. Not war, not murder, not criminality of any kind or nature.

Instead of entertaining themselves with gladiators tearing each other to shreds, our leadership of reprobates and sociopaths, our shadow government of Puppet Masters who elect and command our politicians in what has become our two-party/one-agenda system of government, a system which makes a mockery out of what is supposed to be a republican form of government based on democratic principles, entertain themselves by deceitfully and malevolently bullying, bankrupting and beggaring other nations and even their own fellow citizens. They are behind all wars and genocides, as their lust and longing for power, profits and population control know no bounds.

Every imaginable illicit enterprise is their oyster, and woe be to any who might try to muscle in on their territory. Their henchmen are everywhere. In our various levels of government, which have become devil's dens full of pernicious traitors as well as self-absorbed narcissists and perverts, especially at the federal level, in our unbelievably corrupt business corporations whose boards are packed with pathological liars and con-artists, in our courts, whose bought-and-paid-for judges act like federal and state legislative bodies in their assiduity to promote the evil agenda of their Illuminist handlers, in our fane-stream media, which are now run by perverts and their talking heads who wouldn't know the truth about anything if it bit them in the nose much less have the nerve to report about it, in our higher education and university systems which brainwash our children with Illuminist propaganda and disinformation, and in our tax exempt foundations which are little more than bristling hotbeds of seditious Orwellian idiots.

They take great pride in their evil, nefarious work of destroying the current world system of nation-states, so that in the ensuing chaos they can create a corporatist, fascist police state where they get to play "lords of the universe" while we, their serfs and slave laborers, live in abject poverty and bondage, catering to their every whim. Or so they hope. Fortunately for us, God is making other plans, and His plans are the only ones that will prevail in the end as the Illuminist scum receive their final comeuppance.

These Illuminist slime-balls and pond scum now own the system, and they do as they please. This will continue until you stop them. Will it take the exercise of our collective political will to stop them, or will it take bloodshed? We believe it will be some combination of the two, but mostly the latter. All systems are broken and corrupted. There is no accountability to the people at any level anymore. They already have plans to disarm you, and to have the Secret Service squirrel them away into rat-holes and safe-houses until the violence they know is coming blows over, or so they hope. These plans are in writing and were delivered to Congress in a joint closed session held in the spring of 2008, the second such session in our nation's history, during which session they discussed and predicted the September breakdown in our financial system that has led to a stock market meltdown which rivals that of the Great Depression.