Further Reading

Thursday 15 January 2009

"Perfecting" the Imperfect"

One of the mottos in Freemasonry is "to perfect that which was left imperfect." This has different meaning to the lowly initiates at the bottom of the proverbial pyramid, who merely serve as useful idiots, compared to what the adepts at the top of the pyramid believe.
These adepts believe that the creator of the universe left the world -- including mankind itself -- in an imperfect state. The deviants at the top of the ladder, who run the stage show of consensus reality through their various levels of command and control, see themselves quite literally as Gods who, having reached perfection themselves, have the ability and natural right to shape and reshape the world according to their plan known as the "Great Work." They see themselves as re-creators, above and at odds with the true creator of the universe.

The secular humanists and high priests of science have largely taken over from the control mechanism of organized religion, instilling a belief in people's minds that the material world is the extent of all truth, and that all truth is to be found through the understanding of science. As with organized religion, Freemasonry and other such organizations, what the "profane masses" at the bottom are given to believe is far different from that which the controllers at the top know and use against us lowly, "lesser-evolved" types, who are seen as nothing more than cannon fodder for the rebuilding of Solomon's (Sol-Om-On) Temple, which itself is exoteric allegory for the Great Work; the "perfection" of mankind and everything else under the sun. Science fiction writer and futurist, Arthur C. Clarke, stated in his "laws" of prediction that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," and it's this "magic," which is the science behind the advanced technology unknown to the general public, that is being developed and perfected, not to free humanity but enslave and ultimately destroy it.