Further Reading

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

The Pythagorean or Western number system

The Pythagorean or Western number system was thought to have been discovered by Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher, mystic, mathematician, and astronomer in the period 600 B.C. However, from some earlier recordings, the origins of Numerology may even have predated Pythagoras.

Pythagoras taught that there was a definite relationship of numbers to one’s total life experience. He studied under the Jewish Mystics and the Gurus of India and had been initiated into many of the mysteries of the spiritual teachers of the East and had both used and taught their system of numbers. Later on in life, he founded a school to pass on the mystical sciences to Western students that was based on knowledge from his travels and learned studies. The school was run by a religious brotherhood on the basis of a belief system derived from mathematics, astronomy, physics and philosophy.

Unfortunately, very little of his teachings survived other than a story told by Philolaus, a student believed to have studied under Pythagoras. It is suspected that after Pythagoras’ death, Philolaus declared that a certain system of numbers (we assume his) had been developed and blessed by Pythagoras before his death. Philolaus proclaimed Pythagoras as the “Father” of Western Numerology and for over 2,500 years, people accepted this declaration as valid since there was never any evidence to disprove this claim.

The Western number system assigns the number value by the sequence of the Western alphabet and uses a number formula based on calculating 1 – 9. Years of experience prove that this method is not as accurate as the Chaldean method. The Western alphabet assignment totally discounts the most important aspect of numerology–the concept of vibration and the numerical designation of each vibrational pattern. As a result, the Western number system virtually destroys the validity of the name numbers (or any other name number) and their meaning. What Western Numerology fails to acknowledge is the fact that the language of the numbers, coming off our name, gives us the most important facts about the direction in which our lives are unfolding. (Source: numbersru.com)