Further Reading

Friday 16 January 2009

Well .... what a week that was ..... !!!

First week back in the fray after three week's holiday. I'm 'cream crackered' ... especially after discovering all those hard weeks of tendering on 'the big secret tender' are not over yet. One of the other consortiums ... one of our rivals ... has forced the State into agreeing to 'an unofficial' time extension. With the credit crunch hitting hard, someone struggled with underwriting their finance ... so the State has extended the bid (after we submitted our price) for another month or so. THEREFORE, there is more mayhem and madness to steer through. The maelstrom is spinning round and round again with poor me in the centre of the vortex!

It started off a quiet week, but quickly accelerated onto the fast lane of the stress expressway!

Here I am (again) looking forward to a rest over the weekend. Familiar territory these days ... the shortfall (why I'm telling you this) is the fact the volume of posts on ALITD will decline somewhat again this weekend.

Yes ... there may NOT be ANY posts this weekend. I'm resting (again) ... normal service will resume sometime early next week ... bfn