Further Reading

Monday 23 February 2009

Today's Comment

There is nothing new under the sun.

That saying is very true. We are extremely foolish to fall for the traditional brainwashing that we are the most advanced culture ever to walk the earth. There is too much architectural evidence in Egypt, South America, Iraq, and below the oceans that completely contradict this persistent hogwash. Even the bible refers to the walls of Jericho being brought down by a weapon made by sound (we have just developed the technology to do this very thing in concrete demolitions - find the sound vibration that basically shakes the concrete to pieces). There is a vast area of the Sinai Desert too RADIOACTIVE to sustain life. The sand is basically green in colour ... a green glass that is found to be associated with desert areas subjected to nuclear testing!!! There has been nuclear weapons before on this planet. Evidence found in archaelogical digs in South America have revealed items of stone and metal which defy belief ... their manufacture too precise and intricate for our modern day advanced methods, yet supposedly made by 'primitives'.

No, we have been betrayed. Advanced civilisations like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria ... may now be condemned to legend ... but I believe 100% they existed. Evidence of these places HAS been found. It is just that joe public and the lower echelons of the power pyramid are kept out of the loop.

There was a time that the landmasses of the Earth were completely different to how they appear today. It doesn't interest me how long ago. They just were ... there has been upheavals. There has been comet collisions, and close calls with other planets that have resulted in large quantities of ice being magnetically attracted to this planet which could well have been the reason for the sudden change in temperature over night that wiped out so many creatures at one time on the Earth.

I believe that 'Lucifer - the light bringer or the Fallen One' was actually an astronomical body like a comet or a small planet that was seen in the night sky for hundreds of years, that suddenly was observed falling out of the heavens. It could have collided with the Earth and created some kind of devastation like a huge crater which would have looked like the fiery gates of hell at the time with all the smoke, the molten ash etc ...

Anyway, advanced civilisations will have flourished in other areas of the planet, which may now be covered by expanses of water. As our technology advances ... we are going to find more and more evidence of these cultures. We, joe public, are not going to be told that these cultures have been found as it goes against history. Remember, the winner writes the history so we are not being told.

The google image MIGHT be the lost city of Atlantis ... the comment that because it is so many times larger than the size of London is not an acceptable reason for it not being Atlantis! I knew this image would be debunked ... I expected it. I am open minded enough to make my own assessment. Over the ages a particular pattern forms when artifacts and evidence is unearthed ... it has a certain 'smell' in my awareness. That smell is around this new's story at the moment. It is the mushroom syndrome in my opinion. It may not be Atlantis ... but it is something more than they are saying.

I've studied so much about the ancient cultures. The ancient writings. The Sumerian texts for example ... since I was a small child I've known that far more advanced cultures have walked this earth and that the earth's landmasses have constantly changed over many millenium. As a child I was able to naively receive information about places and peoples without the questioning adult mentality. I would accept information about past lives without it being a problem. Over the years I've built up a library of consciousness which I firmly believe contains factual information about the history of the earth. Someday this will be put down on paper ... then the information compared with the 'scientific' and 'factual' information which research has uncovered many years later .... be an interesting publication don't you think? There will be many of the missing pieces there for sure including Atlantis, The Annunaki and the true identity of the Pyramids of Giza for example ....