Further Reading

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Daily Merlin Insight: Sigil of the 357 Mystery

Daily Merlin Insight
Wednesday 25th January 2009

The focus is the sigil image (on the right) which relates to a Daily Merlin Insight undertaken in 2008 ... the sigil the resultant pattern formed by a crystal casting which was incorporated in the insight at that time.

The intention of the Insight, this time, is to treat the sigil as a RV set of co-ordinates ~ the pattern relating to the events and occurrences somewhere within the Madeleine McCann mystery.

Clearly on first viewing, this time around the sigil comprises 7 spheres interconnected by 5 lines of varying lengths. In the background a series of concentric circles like rippls emanating out from the 3rd sphere from the bottom.

Already we have 3 5 7 from this observation ... so the concentric circles relate to the night of the disappearance on 3/5/07 ... and the sigil relates to the entire mystery as a whole. The entire energy of the situation contained in that pattern. The cause, the reason, the solution ... etc etc ... could therefore be determined from this pattern, somehow. The pattern is therefore the complete embodiment of who is responsible; where Madeleine has been taken to; where she is now .... etc.

The pattern resembles The Hanged Man of the tarot ... the upside down character depicted in many popular tarot packs. An embodiment of longelivity and endurance in my mind. Others will have their own interpretation of this tarot trump.

The size of the outward flowing concentric circles (the ripples) implies the outflowing impact this case has had in the world. It got the world's attention just like it was meant to do. It has lifted awareness of missing children; of paedo rings; of media corruption ... and then has gone to ground. Hidden now are the key issues. No media coverage (or very little) .... just a presence still in Forums which are observed by big brotheresque monitoring techniques ...

But what is perhaps happening at this point in time? Where within the pattern should one look to find this information? Can the sigel really provide this information? Is it in a language or code which can be tapped? Perhaps ... without referencing back to the original working ... the keys to this sigel are perhaps the tarot. Because after all, the sigel emerged from a tarot card working. Remember, this is intuitive reaction to being faced with a sigel symbol - the only information to hand - much like the random number given to a remote viewer during an RV experiment. It is no different here ... awareness is undertaking to decipher the pattern. These are the field notes of this experiment.

Thus, turning to the tarot is the next intuitive step ... seven images to be chosen from the tarot deck ... therefore ...

6 of Crescents
3 of Staves
High Priestess
Giver of Spheres
The Devil
Strength (the lady in white) ...

In no particular order in the list above, the images must have an order ~ a beginning and an ending. Thus - let us proceed first with the High Priestess; the occult minded woman who has a link to the medical world, the world of religion and also the world of business/finance. She is the first port of call. She is omnipresent in this mystery. Has appeared almost constantly through it all. Has been known to observe this blog space (intuitively sensed). She is the mystery. She appears the devoted religious person, carrying the cross on her heart. But she is also cunning in business ... and is somewhere linked to a medical procedure indicated in the Giver of Spheres which is the next image in the series.

In this image we have the familiar sense of a business woman handing out a sphere to the individual who is dressed as the jester/the fool. The foolish one perhaps risking this exchange. The fool in the terminology of the tarot - him at the start of the long spiritual journey of realisation? Beside the business woman are a pile of similar spheres. Are these the eggs linked to an IVF process engineered by the High Priestess (a magical or alchemical process perhaps in the eyes of the tarot. A magical process perhaps in the eyes of the conventional medical world as well perhaps?). There is a degree of risk felt with this image. The jester risks so much with this exchange. It is perhaps illegal or non-conventional or certainly against the grain with regard to religious connections?

Temperance is sensed as the next card in the progression ~ a belief in the blessing of an archangel perhaps the heal wounded souls? The power of prayer to grant a child to a couple desperate to have a family? Temperance indicates the calming of troubled waters in one sense; but it also depicts in the image problems which lie in the background. Issues which can only be further worsened by this means of conceiving a child being discovered? There is apparent disapproval and repercussions in the back-clothe of this couple. Storm clouds in the sky, impending doom. Risk and perhaps warnings of future troubles if conditions of the exchange are not met? The connections linking to the High Priestess perhaps unsavoury and dangerous?

Three of Staves is next, and the establishment of strength - the birth of 'the tower of strength' and the creation of the triangle of three ... mother, father and daughter. A very powerful bond. A successful birth ... noticed and monitored by the agents of the High Priestess. Progress noted ... and noticed in the wrong places. Corruption becomes aware of this child and the success of the process perhaps? For a time this triangle of strength is unbreakable ...

Then comes the 6 of Crescents and the ensuing nightmares ... the taking of the replica child ... somehow the child born of the sphere provided by the Giver is seen by someone as a replica of an original? Is this a hint that there is some kind of cell clonisation having been undertaken here? Was there a donor involved in the process? Was another woman used in the process and it was her own egg used in the process and she became aware of the identity of the child and her relationship to her? Perhaps the High Priestess herself? Corruption crept in here ... and maybe blackmail was the result. But it was more far reaching than this, with influential and powerful people also using the process? And the corrupted for their own sick games? The High Priestess seems to have great influence ... and has all the powerful people tied into some kind of network here ... and there has been the exposure of some very shadowy places as a result of this network.

Next we have The Devil and the power of fear. The power of suggestion. The ability to bury the truth of this situation right before the public's eyes but by putting it in plain view it is hidden. Fear has been used as the key in all of this. The mystery relates to taboo subjects. It has bound Kate & Gerry McCann to the establishment and a mind set which controls the general public. There is a deliberate path been created along which Gerry & Kate have had to walk. They have had no choice in the matter. Clear instructions ... to take to have their daughter returned. The Devil adopts the 'man in the moon' pose ... one who is above the law. Someone linked to the crown ... linked to many aspects of the business world. A family who manipulates the situation ... and here cometh the encryption once more ... ultimately agents of this powerful influence pull the strings which control the network ... it is a much bigger scenario than just the McCanns. The mystery of Madeleine McCann is one tiny part of a much bigger agenda orchestrated by this man in the moon. It is a Trojan Horse for sure ...

Finally, The Strength image depicting the lady in white grappling with the red lion. The emphasis here seems to be on Kate McCann with this tarot image and a role she appears to have played ... or is still playing. She is an ambassador to a cause which is tackling the toothache of the red lion. For Kate this seems a role she will not have been accustomed to in the first instance. There is a feeling of dedication and determination with the lady in white here despite embarrassment at being in the public eye and to have to go out of her comfort zone.

Intuition declares a real difficulty for Gerry & Kate in ending the infinite spirals created by this mystery. It will be a gargantuan effort to get Madeleine back .... but they WILL succeed. The Man in the Moon appears to have his agencies dangle a carrot every now and again to ensure that Gerry & Kate go along the stepping stones he requires them to. At some point they will be reunited with their daughter. She is NOT buried someplace. She has NOT been murdered by her parents. She did NOT die accidentally in the apartment that night. There is some confusion hinted at within the sigel pattern ~ there is a sense she was not in the apartment that night. There is a feeling too of false witness statements which were deemed to be necessary ... somewhere there was deceit and confusion created to ensure that the abductor was permitted to get away. Without the authorities being made to fall over each other the abduction could not have taken place. It was a close call ... and eyes are now TOO close to where Madeleine is at this moment in time for things to go to the next stage. The McCanns cannot be blamed for anything that took place that night ... the public have not been provided the true events of the night ... and the deception has been deliberate by agents of the family of the man in the moon to promote the power of suggestion. There was evidence planted in the apartment to promote the 'blood on the wall' accusations. It is deemed here as some kind of threat to Gerry & Kate to conform to the instructions given to them ....

Copyright Matthew James 25th February 2009