Further Reading

Tuesday 24 February 2009

How Soon Is Soon?

Still mesmerised by the mystery; by the pied piper's apparent casual attention to detail (there are many flaws and imperfections after all which still echo in cyberspace forums and chat rooms) ... many still wonder how far into the future 'soon' is? They keep going with 'it'll be over soon' without ever entertaining that 'soon' would roll on to 22 months ...

It is a mystery with no real clues ... only heresays and assumptions. The innocent party at the centre of it all condemned by the power of suggestion. The evidence of 'dark magic' is there at every pitch and turn. Someone well versed in mind control has taken the 'bull by the horns' and keeps the baying public at bay with media mesmerism. A seed of thought is planted and enmasse the doubt or the insinuations are cast within the collective.

Those on the fringe of the mystery ... perhaps impervious to the mesmerism (those that know it is there do not let its glamours stand in the way) ... see the situation for it is. Can step right to the centre of the maze (or is it a labyrinth) and realise what is going on. There IS a cover up. There IS a trojan horse. There IS a living and breathing little girl. She did NOT perish on the night of 3rd May 2007 contrary to what the ghouls think and write in certain areas of cyberspace. It is THEY who are deluded preaching their bile. There was no murder or accidental death.

Events were NOT how the public has been lead to believe. There is no conspiracy. The plain facts are there for anyone who is willing to shake off the spell of dark magic they have been deceived by.

Soon may not be soon enough for so many. But for those at the centre of the maze, soon has a different meaning. For them there seems the inevitability (when they are permitted) for a diluted version of what went on to break ranks from out of the veil of silence. There has to be 'brotherhood' permission for something to surface. News will be leaked. Rumours will be started. An announcement will be 'forced' ...

"The little girl who was missing has been found' ... soon? Putting a timing on 'soon' is not possible. The length of that piece of string is indeterminable for the observer looking at it who is unable to comprehend the scale of the drawing it has been included in. Point A & Z do appear on this image ... but it is a zig zagging path like a snake (or serpent) between the two points. Point A was prior to 3rd May 2007. The night of the 'abduction' was perhaps point E or F ... there is much more to this than meets the eye. But, by stepping back to the fringe once more ... it is possible to determine the pattern of it all. A design encompassing religion, politics, secret societies, medicine, research, media, banking and a whole host of other things. Many faces are part of wheels within wheels. Walk circles within circles .... far reaching is this ...

Mystic pursuits can determine that point Z is the missing being found. It can determine there wll be others too that have been taken, linked to 'something nasty' at the core of this rotten apple. However, mystic pursuits cannot accurately put a timing on the end to this situation. There is some deception at bay. Some big brother observation perhaps? The goal posts are forever changing ... or they were. Now silence is the master ... is the cloak behind which who knows what is really going on? Methinks my own thoughts here ... I have my own assessment of what is behind that golden wall. Those who can see this mystery clearly with no suggestive influence clouding the mind, will see the most likely occurrences too.

A smiling face of a little girl meets my inward gaze. A living breathing little girl ... the sound sounds of the Scorpions classic 'Holiday' sound as I write. It is on a par with what I am thinking as to the current trend of the situation. My imagery now drifts to the image of 'death' in the Merlin Tarot which depicts a number of rotten apples laying on the ground below the apple tree, to describe the situation which the mystery of 3/5/7 is part of, with an mysterious woman portrayed as the bringer of change and endings to a situation. It is a cleansing period this. The image of death is not that of a physical death like the ghouls demand ... but a necessary ridding of the bad apples within a deep rooted tradition.

The mesmerism effect; the dark magic spell; appears necessary to prevent names and faces of traditional power from being seen in a sulphurous light ... the engagement of all facets of the power empire to conceal the the hornet's nest which has been shaken ... appears to be sheer necessity.

It is certainly more than one little girl going missing. It is much more than that below the surface ...much is concealed by the cloth of cloak and dagger deception. Silence may be golden at this point in time ... but it will not last forever. Soon will become a reality but how soon is soon? Something is being carefully prepared behind the scenes ... threads checked and double checked as another weaving is created. Destiny is the spider which will reveal its invisible web that has been placed around joe public. There is some enchantment. Some dark intention here ... the way this situation is driven by the power of suggestion and media mesmerism is frightening. People are falling for the trick of the pied piper ... his spell weaving is so obvious here on the fringe. There are picks here beside me which could be used to unthread his original weaving; the weaving that contains the imagery of 3/5/7 and the 'blood on the wall' accusations ... and the subsequent path the mystery took. Most certainly the truth is far removed from those deceptions. But ... it is determined as 'better to be safe than sorry' not to dig too big a hole in that enchantment. It is there for a reason and it does protect the life of an innocent child after all. .... more on these matters again soon.