Further Reading

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Interdimensional hypothesis

The Interdimensional Hypothesis of unidentified flying objects and related events, championed by astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, attempts to explain the phenomena as a modern manifestation of elements, particularly mythological creatures, which have appeared throughout recorded history and possibly since earliest humans walked the earth. This hypothesis is generally considered to be a fringe view, even among UFO researchers.

According to this theory, the phenomenon manifests itself as a control mechanism, whose function appears to be to challenge the observer's accepted notions of reality, by appearing to be things that common sense would disregard as being impossible, and in our modern age, as technological objects which always seem to appear to be one step ahead of our own technological horizon.

By breaking the deepest taboos of society, the phenomenon thereby gradually reinforces a permanent change in the perception of that society, by the propagation of malicious memes and erroneous belief systems. Such a change appears to undermine society's belief in established authority, both governmental and scientific, which ridicules the phenomena and those that believe in it. The theory has not been widely accepted by either Ufologists or by mainstream science. Some argue it is pseudoscience, while others argue, more charitably, that it seeks to explain one mystery by invoking another. (Source: The Black Vault)