Further Reading

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Moon RV Experiment...

Magick Journal 18th February 2009
Subject of Journal: 'The Apparent Tower-like Structures on The Moon'
The purpose of the Remote Viewing experiment was to determine the nature and appearance of the apparent tower like structures which have been announced in conspiracy web sites as being present on The Moon (image right).
The RV was undertaken without the aid of a monitor, and with the subject of the RV known. The RV began with the visualisation of The Moon in the night sky ... and the sensation then of immediate bilocation began from this point on ... which is a usual phenomenon.
The Moon surface was sensed as lifeless and without atmosphere. Dusty and silent. Immediately awareness sought a viewpoint/way point ... a point of reference. The scene was either of being within a crater or a steep canyon. A rocky outcrop stood to the right. A human reaction then of needing to breathe ... easily overcome ... awareness then on a black/shadow indent in the rocks. The sensation then of reaching out into the shadow and feeling a metallic/solid like wall which was not rock. Vision then of the base of a structure shrouded in some black material/covering ... to hide itself. The structure sounded solid when tapped. There was no echo. No sound emanating from it ...
The sense then to be 'like a ghost' and pass through the structure into the inside. Awareness then of an internal light source. A presence somewhere close. Then ... a deliberate descrambling of imagery. Something tampering with the bilocation as information not relating to the RV filled the awareness.
A last split second image then of a couple of humanoid forms having discovered my presence there within the structure. My argument in those moments that I had the right to know what was there. The humanoid forms then fading into a scene in a public house with a number of patrons sitting at a bar.
The imagery may have relevance as something symbolic that the mind used to explain something it could not understand.
It appeared like a social area. A place for people to come and relax. I was merely an observer watching it all through a sheet of glass. Not part of the scene. There were mainly males there. Workmen ... after a long hard day of scientific study. Their study was undetermined ... but it was like they were scientists observing test cases in an artificial environment. Not mice but something with much more intelligence. There was a sense of manipulation and a joke between two of the workmen how things go wrong but they keep the results any way as it is all part and parcel of it all.
An awareness that my presence was detected and not unwelcomed. My RV and my bilocation noted as part of an experiment too ...
On returning out of the RV I became aware of two beings in light form standing to my left and right ... around 1.2m in height I would say if the room here is 2.4m high ... a sense of being escorted back ... and then out of curiosity my location observed.
Copyright Matthew James 18/2/2009