Further Reading

Friday 13 February 2009

A Spiritual Intervention?

for 13th February 2009

Having been clairvoyant from an early age, probably since birth, I tend to take for granted the paranormal activity around me on a day to day basis. It is something I grew accustomed to long ago. However, there is still the occasional 'activity' that makes me stop and think. Such activity has been taking place over the last couple of days ...

To many ANY paranormal activity is a marvel, or something to take note of ... moving shadows, clairaudient voices, taps on the shoulder, pulling of the hair etc ... would raise an eye brow or two for many individuals around the world. Those seeking paranormal activity would find just one of these occurrences something 'profound'. Sadly, I admit, I take them for granted and most days I don't pay any particular attention to them. There have been so many happenings in the last thirty or so years ... that it is just perfectly 'natural' for me to experience them. Dismissing them as imagination or madness ceased decades ago, when a number of unexplained happenings 'shook my world' ...

So, most days I ignore ... I overlook ... I d0n't pay any attention to ... unless ...

Unless a particularly persistent 'spook' makes a determined effort to either get my attention or harass me. I've had one of those this week. I've been touched and stood over by a 'shadow' to get my attention. I've had momentary 'manifestations' in front of me to grab my attention. But, I've not played ball ....

Then the ultimate occurred today ...

It was lunch time. I'd popped back for some lunch. There was suddenly, a series of loud 'knuckle rapping' bangs on the wall behind me. At first I thought it was someone at the door ... so like a fool I opened the door to nobody! I went back and sat down. More raps ... I turned around and realised the raps were being made on an INTERNAL wall. Not a party wall to the occupied space next door ... but a stud partition inside my space!!! It was a clear banging sound made when you rap your knuckles against a stud wall .... !!!!

I quickly dismissed the possibility it was a reverberation from elsewhere. NO, it was from the wall behind me ... Mr/Mrs Unknown Spook wanted my attention. I ignored the intrusion ... I'd gleaned it was an old man ... a rather cantankerous and bad tempered one at that (it was how I was feeling at that precise moment) ...

Ten minutes later ... the buzzer rang ... in the intercom screen was an Old Woman's face ... she had clearly buzzed the wrong room! I told her I didn't know her and she'd rung the wrong room ... she'd wanted No 14 ...

Then, I sussed it ... afterwards ... I was meant to do the 'Lisa Williams' routine and give her a message from her late husband! He'd been getting my attention ... and had somehow inexplicably got his earthbound wife to buzz my room. I was supposed to tell her that the old fool of her husband ... the one who'd been a boozer and a jerk was in my apartment causing trouble! Needless to say I didn't ... how could I .... ?? Obviously, the cynic will dismiss this as clap trap ... feasible excuses could explain it all away. Bollocks I would say to that ... I've lived a life for the last 35+ years where such occurrences have been part and parcel of 'living'. Similar things have been forced into my path in the past and the information has almost always been spot on ... and the coincidence to be proven as spiritual intervention.