Further Reading

Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Tenth Chakra

When the tenth chakra starts to open up the individual will begin to manifest many of the skills they have learned in all of their previous lives. These individuals will seem to excel at anything they undertake and any project they are involved with will take off from their influence. It is not that they are just good at doing everything. Rather they are tapping into previous skills learned in past lives. The barriers between the past selves are breaking down and knowledge and wisdom begins to flow through time and space.

Typically this chakra is responsible for divine creativity, synchronicity of life, the merging of the masculine and feminine within. How do these emerging skills relate to these qualities? Well it is these emerging skills and the taping of previous lives that make all these elements come about. Divine creativity is the ability to create all facets of your life in perfect harmony. When this harmony starts to manifest the individual's life just clicks. It will seem as if this person is always in the right place at the right time. Divine energy is flowing out of the chakra and into the individual and bringing perfection into everything he or she does. And because taping into past lives does not discriminate between male or female lifetimes, the individual will begin to merge the masculine and feminine within themselves. This merging brings even more harmony into a person's life because they are not prone to either the masculine or feminine energy or the faults that each of those polarities tends to bring up. A gender balance exists within the person and the individual is free to tap into the best that each energy polarity has to offer.

These individuals will not seem overly masculine or feminine in nature; they will just be neutral in qualities, from an outside perspective that is. Of course it can take years for this kind of transformation to occur in an individual, when that person's tenth chakra starts to open up. They will not just wake up one day and be neutral. The individual has to let go of the previous polarity they were prone to leaning toward and begin to embrace the new neutral energies within them. Keep this in mind when working on a patient and you sense that the tenth chakra is starting to open. You may want to advise them that gentle changes in either their masculine or feminine side may begin to occur over the next several years and there is nothing to worry about, it is quite normal.

Also this masculine and feminine neutralizing has little to do with sexual predisposition. Nor should there be any change in the sexual alignment in that person's life. You are not going to be attracted to men if before you were attracted to women. However the individual may find it easier to relate to the other sex as the masculine and feminine merge within them.

So what sort of problems are you apt to find with this chakra? Well for one, many ninth chakra problems will show up when the tenth chakra starts to open. Remember! The odd number chakras contain the skills that are used in the following one. For this reason you most likely will not begin to do healings on the ninth chakra till the tenth starts to awaken. You see, it is when the individual tries to use these past life skills (contained in the ninth chakra) then these problems show. The filaments in the ninth chakra are not wired properly so when the individual tries to access a past life skill, they have great difficulty. At this point you would need to go in and do a healing on the ninth chakra and then the skill would develop normally in that person's life.

For example, let's say a person with an opening tenth chakra has a deep urge to take up painting. They try to develop this skill but it just comes very slowly and much frustration is there. Other aspects of this person's life are developing normally; it just seems that when they try to acquire this skill it is not as forthcoming as any other ones. Well in this case a ninth chakra problem exists and a healing there will be necessary. However if the person was able to grasp the skill quite easily but was unable to use that skill in harmony, then a tenth chakra problem exists.

It is the tenth chakra that is responsible for integrating the skill into the person's daily life. If that skill is there but this skill presents an integration problem in that person's life, creating disharmony in some way, then some aspect of the tenth chakra is not functioning properly. Most likely there are energy blocks in this chakra and so the synchronicity of life is not fully developed. Fear is the thing that can block a tenth chakra. Some remaining fear associated with that skill from that past life still remains in the energy field. You may have to do a past life healing to remove the last of this fear and bring the tenth chakra to full functioning. If you have good inner sight these blocks may show up as small disturbances that seem to float over the spinning chakra. These energy disturbances cause the energy to slow down the swirling outward effect that this chakra has on the entire being. (Source: Wisdom Door.com)