Further Reading

Sunday 15 February 2009

Testing your Guides

A parasite can not live alone - African (Ovambo) Proverb

If you get side tracked listening to entities it will slow your progress. The oldest and wisest sages say to pay no attention to the phenomena along the path. This is sage, safe advice, but often difficult for westerners to take. We are too curious. If you choose to pay attention to the entities, results could be embarrassing at the least, and disastrous at the worst. How many times have you heard of the homicidal psycho who says, the voices or God told them to do it? Yikes, don't go there.

I sometimes observe a funny sort of one-up man ship among some new agers. Who has the most guides, and whose guides have the fanciest names and titles... this is all very silly. Illusion. When it comes to guides, quality is essential, and quantity does not mean a thing! What the boasters are really saying, is how many different critters have persuaded them to hand their internal, essential Divine power of free will over. How gullible they are, and how widely they are enslaved...

Many types of critters who may appear claiming to be guides, are simply not worth the energy of your attention. They are self centered entities who will use fear, flattery, fancy titles and prophecies of doom, to persuade you to direct your power towards their own agendas.

This is how people sometimes find themselves on a mountain top, having given away all their possessions, waiting for the Lightships to come save them from Armageddon... Most entities feed on emotional energy, and the more they can get you riled up, the bigger the buffet... and of course they will often want you to start some sort of cult or movement so you will bring more people for them to feast on, that way they can impress their buddies by inviting them to a human energy smorgasbord.

Your emotional energy is their food. Without it they cannot continue to exist. They are parasites, and they may use flattery, predictions, warnings, or pranks to provoke your emotional reactions. Some entities may go on and on about how unique and special you are.

Yes, we are all special and unique, in Goddess eyes, ... regardless of who we are and what we do! Infinite manifestation creates uniqueness, and all of creation is special, loved, cherished... from the smallest pebble to the greatest leader.

Integrating that, actually leads to humility, not self aggrandizement. When you really begin to feel how much you are loved by the Divine, unconditionally, no matter what you say or do... there is no need to build yourself up with stories of your special-ness. Simply Being, is enough. More blissful and radiant than self esteem via any other method, could ever be.

Entities, (and some professional psychics who channel entities!) may give you fancy titles or famous past lives so you will pay attention to them. Where your attention goes, your energy goes, so flattering you that you are Napoleon or Cleopatra reincarnated, is a way for them to feed on your energy, if you believe it.

Funny, too how the entities tend to stick with what works. I've lost track of how many people have told me their guides said they had been "Keeper of the temple in Atlantis"... It means they were the janitor, I think! The Atlantis temple must have needed a lot of staff to do the cleaning up, like Disneyland...

Beware of guides, human or discarnate, who want to give you a fancy title, and tell you that you have some special mission to save the world. Believing it, is the path to Kundalini psychosis. They may use flattery to get your attention and persuade you to invest your time and energy into their personal agendas. Usually a closer look into their preaching reveals a decidedly fear based paradigm, or limits that do not truly exist.

Appearances can be decieving. Just because an entity or guide looks pretty, all glowy and nice, does not mean they have your highest good in mind. There is an old story of a spiritual teacher: a lovely radiant female spirit, crowned and clothed in light appeared to him and said "you can have success or happiness, but not both. Which will you choose?" The teacher said "you're WRONG!" and banished the entity... and went on to have happiness *and* success!

On the other hand, sometimes entities that appear very dark and scary at first, turn into angels if you can love them unconditionally. The scary appearance is to give you the option to exercise your free will choice to love or fear. They are a reflection of your own fears, and loving them releases the fear blockage within you
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