Further Reading

Thursday 26 February 2009

Today's Comment

Be bold, be bold ... but not too bold

The moment we are born, the die is cast. We walk a path with certain options 'programmed' into the sojourn. Like in a maze we have certain choices to make when faced with which passageway to take.

My viewpoint is a pre-ordained life path; a pre-determined set of parameters in which we venture in this 'virtual reality universe'. A little bit like assuming a character in a 'computer Dungeons & Dragons' adventure game ... before the game we program in the attributes of the character we are going to use ... for when we press the start button and enter the fray ...

The Sound Therapy video in a previous post (it's title alludes me at this moment in time) was very inspiring ~ it relates to fear liberation ~ and its visualisation relaxing. I am a firm believer of sound therapy anyway, having experienced its benefits first hand. I've been cast into a state of mind which is pleasant to say the least at this time of night. Clear minded, I see a path along which to follow ... a string of sentences to write.

The time seems to have arrived where expanded awareness is paramount with all the material confusion that is on the path at the moment. I sensed many years ago that this dark patch would be here. What I call 'the dark ones' have an agenda they wish to accomplish ... and us poor mortals at the foot of the pyramid are in for a torrid time. It is against the grain for the plebians at the base of the pyramid to have their true selves awakened. They wish for us to be tethered by fear ... lost deeply in their illusion of 'seperatism' .... acceptance there is no life after death; there is a hell and a demon lord called Satan who will burn our souls because of our sins; skills like clairvoyance are figments of a deluded mind ... but lo' I am not lost. I am here seeing the moving shadows around me. I am hearing the telepathic voices of departed loved ones (your mind cannot remember someone's voice?) ... but I am not deluded am I? Perhaps I am ... but I am not alone. There does seem to be a growing awakening going on at this moment in time.

Twenty years ago when I first started out as a reader and medium, it was very much a taboo subject to discuss openly anywhere outside of designated places such as Spiritualist Churches and New Age Centres. It was not raised at work or discussed in a pub. Because I was a male medium ... I was automatically 'gay' ... that was the assumption back then. But now, it's everywhere ... it's talked about openly on the streets; TV has so many medium orientated programs; I've seen astrological charts on computer screens at work recently! I've heard it discussed in so many places ... everyone these days knows someone who has been for a reading or gives readings or is in to it!

It is inspiring ... but frustrating ... I'd hung up my boots and was having a rest! But some part of my awareness is pulling at my lower consciousness to reawaken the sentience. It is like the annoying rap rap on the front door when you are tucked up on the setee watching your favourite TV show. The last thing I want to do is answer the door. But I know I will eventually succumb ... dreams are very lucid once more. Realism like never before. I have to pinch myself often in a morning to confirm I am awake in this reality! Dream reality is just as real with the same awarenesses as waking life ... thoughts going on in my head during the dream relating to the scent around me. Smells. Fears. Tensions ... all a perfect replica as the waking day.

My own philosophy again ... dream state is really another dimension. Another level of reality. Each reality has its own frequency ... the soul/spirit/inner self enters the dimension and adopts a body for that level of reality. On the reality the body will seem as real as the body we occupy on this daily reality. The same applies 'after death' ... but because the realm is on a higher frequency than the earth plane ... we will perceive anyone from that dimension as 'light' because their frequency is too fast for this level until they are able to 'tune' down their wavelength to something close to this dimensional frequency. They will then appear to possess a more solid form ... often called 'a manifestation of spirit' ....

Metaphysics has always been an easy concept for me to comprehend, ever since I was a child. I've seen and heard and touched other realms ... it is so easy for me. And I have not been plagued with a deluded mind. It was once witnessed by a friend of mine that my foot had disappeared! I was playing about with frequencies at one time and was increasing the frequency of my left leg ... without informing my friend. I then turned to him and said 'what can you see happening to my leg?' He replied with 'I don't know but what I can say is that your foot has disappeared!'. This experiment was undertaken during daylight hours ... and neither of us had been drinking or was on medication.

But even providing proof of something on these lines to a Sceptic would be met with the usual brainwashed response. So, I don't bother trying to prove anything to a debunker! I did at one time ... and I found it to be a waste of energy. I found that for every sceptic you were able to convert .... there would be another twenty waiting to belittle you round the corner! Enough was enough I declared a long time ago. So now when I meet with the same glazed look and the same cynical belittling speeches ... I merely smile and declare that 'I am on my road and you are on yours. Thanks for your opinion which you are entitled to, but if you don't mind I have an appointment to go to which I can't be late for!'

I actually welcome criticism and sceptism ... it ensures I check and double check every phenomena ... every link I get telepathically ... every shadow ... every bang on a wall ... every time my foot is grabbed or my arm tapped or my leg pinched ....!!! Seriously, it is a daily occurrence that 'something' grabs or taps or pinches me ... there is nobody around me and there can be no other explanation than something on another frequency has come to pay a visit. The sceptic would say either I am lying or I have an overactive imagination or I have a bad memory and I don't remember doing it to myself. I say LOL!

It is not their life path obviously to be open minded. Their pre-determined characteristics has been set to "no psychic awareness". I pity them. I'm glad my world is filled with entities on other dimensions and clairaudience ... I couldn't live in a world where 'when you are dead you are dead!' My reality is so much more fulfilling ... my mind open wide to all possibilities ...

And I know I am not alone in this reality I wander. There are others too on the manifest seeing and hearing the same as myself ... life is not the bland and pointless game of survival that the dark ones have us mesmerised into thinking ... no, not at all. Life is part of an infinite spiral which you constantly experience ... in many different 'physical forms' on many other dimensions ....