Further Reading

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

A Word on "Animal Spirit Guides"

Animals are similar to the elemental and thought form entities, in that they are very focused energies within their realms of being, yet have the ability of more complex behavior patterns. Animal spirit guides are able to communicate in thoughts that form words that compromise language skills in our understanding. So while in the physical realm we may not be able to converse with the animal guides, in spirit and in thought there are no barriers to communication.

These spirit forms have evolved into a more complex state of being that learns skill and focus. The Fox is sly, the coyote is the jester, the owl is wise are examples. Animals have evolved into a more complex form of life and because it requires survival skills and talents in order to live in balance. By the combination of those talents and skills the animal spirit guides has gained precedence in certain behaviors and/or traits that can be passed on to mankind.

Dealing with animal spirit guides is very exciting and a time of extreme opportunity to learn. Animals are mostly benevolent and willing to teach their specialties. While some animal guides are weary and slow to come forth based on the proven nature of mankind to destroy, those will teach when they see that someone is worthy of the animal’s knowledge and wisdom. By living in balance and seeking to repair rather than destroy, weary spirit guides are often encouraged and willing to teach their skills.

Common mediums of animal guides are lucid dream, meditations, astral travel, vision quests, and physical realities. If someone sees an animal, while on a quest or journey, the should take time to meditate and communicate with the spirit guide of that animal, it is trying to reach that person to open awareness of the animal’s various skills and talents. While outside often these animals will approach in a very gentle yet magnificent manner. For instance one could observe the dance of the butterfly while eating lunch outdoors. Times when someone is approached like this, they may be drawn that that animal in an almost hypnotic level, staring and watching while becoming oblivious to the world around them. Concentrate, those are the times the animal spirit guides is communicating even on a subconscious level.

A typical exercise for working with animal spirit guides is to each day become observant of the environment. Learn to stop, listen, and look around and become aware of the life that abounds. As practicing this observant skill watch closely for any form of life that seems to make itself known. The butterfly that lands on someone’s arm, the squirrel that crosses the road right in front of a moving car, or the bird that swoops down and catches a bug in mid-flight. These are all examples of the attempt to contact, become aware and then in a quiet place focus on that animal and what it means. Meditate on the animal spirit guide; visualize the spirit of that animal hunting, running, playing. Take the time to practice visualizing interacting with the animal spirit guide, playing, feeding, and even communicating. In many ways working with animal spirit guides is taking the time to learn, understand, and know that animal just like one would take the time to get to know a new friend.

A common method of animal spirit guide contact is via people’s dreams. Many times people will spend most of a day explaining a weird dream they had, often those dream includes animals in some shape or form. Be observant and focus on the meaning of that animal and its area of specialty. Dream journals are a great way to keep in mind what the dream was, what animal that was in it, and can be a method for developing trends of animal contact in the dream world. (Source: Hub Pages.com)