Further Reading

Wednesday 25 February 2009

A Word on 'The Aura'

The Aura is the energy field around both animate and inanimate objects. It contains information about the health of a creature, its emotional and mental state, and many other things. Colour, texture, shape, size, and motion of the aura all provide information about the creature or item.

To see the Aura, first relax your body, still your mind, and then relax your eyes. Then, choose any object or a person to look at that won't make you nervous. Begin by looking gently at the object, focusing your eyes slightly behind it. Then begin to look at the object/person with your “third eye” ~ the pineal gland of the mind or the central point of the forehead ~ which is attributed psychic and clairvoyant visions.

Next, close your eyes and feel your awareness focus ‘shift upwards’ slightly, taking your attention away from looking out of your eyes, so that you seem then to be looking out of your forehead.

Now, open your eyes, and feel your awareness focus shift back down to normal sight. Open and close your eyes a few times to learn how it feels. Avoid rolling your eyes upward; that will just give you a headache.

Once you are confident of the focus shift, do it gently with your eyes open. Look out of your eyes and your forehead at the same time. This shift of focus awakens psychic vision, which is used to see auras. To observe the aura at this point, look gently just past the object, using your eyes to see and keeping your focus lifted to the third eye.

When you begin to see lines/segments of colour around the object, you need to determine if it is an after-image of the object or the actual aura of the object.

After-images are defined as a ‘biological effect of your eyes’, caused by eyestrain. To determine if it is an after image, look at the circular image for at least 30 seconds, and then look at an empty space beside the object, or better still, a blank wall. The opposite-colour image you will then see is an after-image.

To prevent after-images, blink often and don't look at one object for too long. As you improve, you will see the aura within a few seconds, before any after-images begin to appear. When you first observe colour or lines around an object, look away to make sure it's not an after-image. To eliminate after-images, close your eyes for a minute or two. When you stop seeing the image on the inside of your eyes, the after-image is gone and you can go back to seeing the aura.

Auras have many shapes, sizes, colours, and textures. There is no standard interpretation because different people perceive differently. The best way to discover the meanings of colours and other attributes is to experiment with viewing as many auras as you can. Better still if you choose someone you know, and observe them during different emotional and mental states. This way you can determine an aura colour for ‘angry’, for ‘happy’, for ‘sad’ etc. Then it would be interesting to choose another ‘subject’, see their aura at a given time and determine if their mood at that time coincides with your own interpretation of a particular colour or pattern seen in their aura. Alternatively, read about traditional meanings and use them to decide what the colours mean to you. For instance, someone who is decisive about his personal space may have a clear edge on his aura, a solid, dense energy, and sharp, clear lines. The aura can affect and be affected by a person's health.

Stay relaxed and calm as you practice. Practice often, but don't tire yourself. Often, the moment you relax and quit trying, you will suddenly see the aura quite clearly. If things aren't working, take a break, do something fun, and try again later when you can be more relaxed and patient. Aura vision may be easier when you are sleepy because you won't have the energy to force anything. If you have a difficult time letting things happen without forcing them, try once or twice when you are tired or sleepy.

Dim lighting can be helpful so you don't strain your eyes. Put a solid coloured background behind the object. Grey, white, brown, and dark colours work well because they are not visually distracting.

The aura has multiple layers, like an onion, but with each layer reaching from the very centre of the person outward. Close to the body, all of the layers overlap. Each layer out reaches farther away from the body and becomes less dense, lighter, subtler, and more difficult to see.

Maybe, first, practice seeing the inner layers. As you improve, let your awareness expand, growing lighter and softer. Reach outward with your aura to feel the aura you are looking at. Feel your vision shifting more strongly toward the third eye and clairvoyance. Remain relaxed and feeling light as your vision expands to include the outer layers.