Further Reading

Friday 20 February 2009

A Word on 'The Lizard -Totem Animal of Dreaming'

In myths and lore, Lizard is associated with dreaming. Dreams awaken our unconscious mind and make us aware of issues we haven't been ready to face in our conscious lives.
Lizard appears when we need to analyse our present reality and brings the message for immediate change in some area or areas of our life. This change can represent letting go of old ideas or negative behaviours which endanger our growth.
Lizard medicine is the shadow side of reality where your dreams are reviewed before you manifest them physically. If you have a Lizard totem, listen to our own intuition above anyone else's. Pay attention to your dreams for will show you what you do not perceive when awake.

Dreams are shadows showing your fears and hopes. Make a dream log and record your dreams. Look for your symbolic and reoccurring dreams and study them carefully.

Lizard can also teach you to become more detached in life. Sometimes it is necessary to separate yourself from others to accomplish what is necessary. Lizard helps you awaken the ability for objective detachment. It can show you how to break from the past.

A lizard's keen sense of vibrations from the ground, excellent hearing and sharp eyesight enables them to detect the slightest movement. One fascinating ability which lizards have, is being able to break off their tails to escape predators. As their tail is writhing, it distracts the predator so the lizard can make its escape. Unfortunately, a lizard can only do this once because the tail grows back cartilage instead of vertebrae. (Original Photograph: Matthew James 2009)