Further Reading

Monday 30 March 2009

A Daily Merlin Insight for Madeleine ...

... Monday 30th March 2009
Using Servants of the Light tarot ...

Now that I am back in the right environment once more ... with my abilities permitted to remain in the "on" position all day ... once more focussing on Mystical landscapes ... I am able to focus once more on Madeleine and the ongoing mystery of her disappearance.

In recent months, the clarity of Daily Merlin Insights may appear to have been lost or become clouded. It has not ... there has been a need to be withdrawn and vague with any insights appertaining to the situation. 'When in doubt say nowt' is a saying that has been with me ever since I first began in this field. It has always been an apt statement with regard to this matter. Many eyes have observed the insights in the recent past ... since May 2007 in fact. I've deliberately had to be cryptic and evasive with the information ... those that are involved with the scenario will have had sufficient wording in the insights to know what I was portraying without me actually saying it in plain sight. Many other eyes have only read confusion ... which has been intentional. I cannot monitor who it is that reads the insights physically ... but intuitively warning bells have rung many times ...

So, to the now ... and the insight tonight relating to Madeleine. What can I focus on now when the trail is cold ... and there is no news story to link to (some dumb folk have accused me of only posting after news stories, when in truth there has been many many instances when insights have been posted days and weeks before news stories) ... and no apparent trail to pick up on?

How can I recover the links I had before after so long? These thoughts permeate through my mind as I re-connect with the contacts I have 'on the other side'. Not guides ... I don't acknowledge guides ... but actual personalities that once walked the physical plane who have now dispensed with the earthly form and adopted a much faster vibrating body. Friends and family of mine ... and ancestors linked to Madeleine ... contacts that have provided me with some 'uncanny' insights in previous Merlins.

Anyway, here goes ... I use the Servants Of The Light as keys to access levels of consciousness where information is 'placed' for me to interpret then write into the DMI's ...

Tonight's Insight is based around 'progress ... both now and in the past' ....

FOUR OF STAVES .... A central rectangle of white contains a crown. Four staves with vine like growths travel from the four corners of the image to touch the four corners of the white rectangle

EIGHT OF WEAPONS ... significator for Madeleine's secret location. An outcrop of rock with eight swords with their points in the ground, one of which is the Flaming Sword. Above the flaming sword is a single star.

JUDGEMENT ... A woman, a man and a child look upwards to an archangel like being who's hands are raised in a gesture of greeting.

SEVEN OF STAVES ... A grassy landscape in the background with a vertical wooden stave (with a single growth on its stem) and six other staves (all making an approximate pattern of the Union Jack) stand in the foreground like a barrier to the landscape behind.

JUSTICE ... An Anubis-like figure sits on stone steps with the scales of justic at its feet. On either side of the sitting figure are black and white pillars. There is a light source above the figure's head.

Influential connections and involvement in the situation, all with their own agenda. All with their own reasons for the situation going quiet. Progress has been made yes with regard to 'the secret location' ... leads and information has been investigated but hands appear to be tied by interlocking influences. Too much appears to be at stake for a satisfactory resolution to a multi-level problem. Madeleine appears to have been the tip of the ice berg. A sprat to catch the mackerel perhaps by one faction of influence who was in opposition to another faction? It depends then which faction is asked to comment as to the progress being made in this. One has much to discover and one has much to hide.

Those who hold Madeleine await the word or instructions still from a higher authority (the archangel) ... as to what is their next step. Religious undertones and religious instructions.

The Seven of Staves symbolism intuits a UK location for Madeleine ... and investigations by 'Special Branch' perhaps? Permitted to investigate so far until higher up authority is told to silence wagging tongues. Intrigue indeed.

Absolute blatant deception is the opinion of some from the other side. The parents are blameless and it is terrible they have taken the rap that they have. They are powerless puppets in a major power game ... but the father is powerless to prevent especially when he is apparently forced to be involved in the game. He cannot be side lined as guilty or to blame even if he had some precognitive idea that something was about to happen in Portugal.

The powers and hands of justice play the scales in this struggle at this time. A learned man of law by day and a power of occult by night ... but who is this man? He can decide the outcome ... but only when his own superiors are satisfied with that the situation is resolved. Madeleine's release is at the bottom of pyramid ... at the end of the chain of events involved in this struggle it seems

Copyright Matthew James 30th March 2009