Further Reading

Monday 2 March 2009

Daily Merlin Insight: The Obvious Questions

Daily Merlin Insight
for 2nd March 2009

Asking the obvious questions tonight ... a working which has not been undertaken for a while. Using Servants Of The Light Tarot .... the obvious questions are:

1. Is Madeleine still alive?
2. Where is she currently located?
3. When will she be returned?

The hardest part of such a direct question, which those outside of 'the mystic's world' will not really appreciate ... it is essential to state the EXACT moment in time you are applying these questions too. I am stating that the questions apply to NOW, this moment ... 10.30 pm South Australia time ... otherwise the questions are not grounded at a point in this reality ... the higher self/the higher immortal (that part greater than the earthbound part) will wander through infinity and provide an answer which could relate to the past ... or even the distant future ... as it is only the earthbound part which comprehends 'time' ...

Therefore, the insight is relating to Madeleine, wherever she is on 2nd March 2009 at 10.32pm South Australia time (or 11.32 am UK winter time) ...

First question ... is Madeleine still alive as of NOW?

Immediately, before even a tarot image is turned, my awareness is drifted back to Belgium. An entity looms close impatiently, annoyed I am asking 'that question again' ... I recognise the foot tapping and the annoyance ... it is my late Mother-In-Law; the one I never met ... one of The Two Old Dears. They are close by ... and they are BOTH insisting NO harm has befallen the little girl despite ANY doubts that might be circulating the earth plane at this time. She is alive as of the NOW. Alice wishes I would ask other questions than that one ... weeks may have passed here on earth, but to her it was like about a minute or two ago that I asked the same question. I am sounding like a scratched record apparently. Using thus the Tarot ~ three images to illustrate the situation ~

Five Of Staves
Five Of Crescents

As ever the same omnipresent character here ... then the confusion of the two fives. The conflict of the staves and the illusions of the crescents. Two mind sets at loggerheads to hide the trail. Scripts written and parts played. Methinks the High Priestess could be another significator of Madeleine in this instance to indicate the value of her genetics? Five plus five plus ... the value of the High Priestess is 2 ... 552 .. or 12 ...

Second Question .... where is Madeleine located at this exact moment?

Using the Tarot images for illustration because my mind is filled with gobblydeegook as it seems a dozen different voices are calling out a location - the one I take note of is no apparent place at all ... D***y Land???

[edited at this point forward] .... Madeleine has been moved it appears in recent times. Eyes got too close. The pace of life is very slow and rural. Farm animals yes and surrounded by fields. There has been snow on the ground ... the language of those around her may be English but the locals appear not to be British ... a hand of influence and affluence has put her on land which is theirs but it is neither titled or attributed to them. It is D***y land? A firm hand this that grips those that hold her. But the eyes that recently gazed in her direction had real affection in them? I see these eyes ... I see other eyes with tears ... I hear raised voices in hallowed halls. I am aware of whispers in shadowy corners. There are many many ornate staircases in these hallowed halls where Madeleine is discussed in secrecy. These halls stink of tradition and order.

One of the Two Old Dears suggests I state these are government buildings. There is a cause for secrecy and the sense of 'order' ...

And the title of this land is buried ... it has been transfered apparently many times. A long sweeping drive has many black cars parked upon it ... there is a scene behind my eyes ... body guards opening the door to one of the cars and two women get out from the rear ... followed by a tired little girl. This girl I see is Madeleine. She is dazed and alarmed. She has not been awake for very long. There is a tag like diplomatic immunity to this car ... so its occupants are not questioned at all ... cars not out of place in this part of the world. Cars black with darkened glass are seen on a daily basis due to the close proximity of a governmental agency.

Three of Weapons
User of Staves

There seems a dispute here to some paternity? Or the rights of paternity? Something is disputed ... hence the appearance of the Three of Weapons. The McCanns have been wronged. They feel aggrieved, but their hands are tied because a family is too powerful to cross, despite the fact the McCanns have friends of power and influence. Influence that maybe also links into this family?

Temperance appeared in an earlier working as the prayers/angel granted a couple a child. The resultant bond with this child is what is tearing at their heart ... someone somewhere thinks 'maybe' that Gerry & Kate had their child. Perhaps they were given the wrong child? Something gone wrong here ... methinks I may be clutching at the wrong straws here, if so I apologise now if this summation has caused any harm ... methinks these images may be picking up on something else linked to this case ... someone in possession of Madeleine thinks she is theirs ... and despite the full power of the User of Staves to break the spell; to overcome the problem ... despite the best intentions ... the User is up against a more superior opposition?

[the location has not be revealed ... parts of this working have been withheld ... if in doubt ... do not include]

Third and final question .... when will Madeleine be returned to Gerry & Kate?

Nine of Staves (reversed) ... when all the obstacles standing in their way have been removed. All the paperwork and all the tasks at hand. They have gone to great measures it seems to prove they are who they say they are (I don't understand this statement)?

The Hanged Man (reversed) ... the symbolism here is of a totally different picture to what has been portrayed in the media over the last 22 months ...

Nine of Weapons ... The swords of Damocles hanging over the neck of the one who is praying before the flaming sword. A familiar image seen in early in the Daily Merlin insights but the only relevance here it seems is the number 9 and the fact weapons is swords which is conflict. Members of a conflict ... playing their part?

The Lovers as the final image ....The lives of the couple watched and scrutinised by a higher force ... part of an order/religion? The need for conformity. Meeting with approval before they are granted the chance to announce Madeleine's return?

The numerology here appears relevant ~ 9, 12, 9 and 6 ...

Matthew James copyright 2nd March 2009