Further Reading

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Duck Or Cuckoo

Courtesy: Eclectic

Sometimes you find yourself rubbing your eyes in disbelief. Sometimes you read the words but your ’sanity filter’ struggles to accept the drivel you’re reading as being real. Then, when you realise that the person who wrote the insane rubbish is ‘out there’, in more ways than one, it makes you worry for your loved ones and the future of the world.

Tiny Susie is one such person - her name being an obvious reference to the size of her brain. Writing about the Mccanns, Tiny is proposing a new form of crime solving: Forget the police, forget forensics, forget all that evidence stuff that just gets in the way. Instead, Tiny proposes that;

‘those who think them guilty should at the very least tell the police that they think they got away with murder’.

‘At the very least‘. Her new scheme involves the police having hot lines where members of the public ring up and provide a list of people they believe to be guilty of crimes. (A tad reminiscent of the days of the Gestapo where people would anonymously report disliked neighbours as enemies of the state to the Nazis. ) The police say ‘thank you ma’am’and then simply round up the baddies- ’simples’, as the meercat says.

Tiny then gives us the clue to the Mccanns’ guilt that the Portuguese police missed: It’s the old brown paper parcel trick. Brown paper apparently makes boxes invisible to police forces around the world. Add Duck tape to the equation and the police might as well be blindfolded with only white sticks to prevent them bumping into Yew trees*. Tiny who seems more fond of the use of …………..than I am (and that’s saying something) breathlessly writes;

I saw in one bit of tv footage Kate Mccann carrying a brown paper parcel by the twins buggie all done up in duck tape in filming in praia du luz…….why did no one else see, search her parcel……what was in it shape of an arm or limb .and why only them carrying around so many bags and ruck sacs think about it……in other child murders solved there have also been brown paper parcels duck taped…….

I’ll never walk into a Post Office alone again! Have you seen how many people in there are sending brown paper parcels with Duck tape to goodness knows where? Has Tiny stumbled on to something? Do all child killers have a special PO box number to send their parcels to? Do they have a manual where they are given this information?