Further Reading

Thursday 26 March 2009

First, awaken your mind

How is the mind of a newborn child? It is completely pure. It is awake.There are no preconceived ideas and there are no misconceptions. Anything and everything is possible, but with all that freedom the mind of a newborn child is susceptible.

At the moment you and I incarnated here on earth we opened ourselves to whatever form of reality our new world wanted to thrust upon us - perhaps ‘thrust upon’ is too strong a phrase, but it suits our current reality - and we were always, as natural beings assuming a ‘natural’ world, going to accept that version of reality as being ‘real’. I was born in 1969 and the world was different then. There was more freedom for the mind. I grew up with choices about the kind of life I could shape for myself. I am sure you did too.

Let me ask you: what will this world look like in five years’ time? Do you think, as I do, that if humanity continues down the route it is currently on, our society will resemble the one portrayed by George Orwell in his book 1984? What will that mean for our children (let alone our children’s children)?

When a baby is born into an Orwellian world, it will accept the tyranny that goes with it because tyranny, a forced reality, is all there is; there is no alternative to consider. I can imagine how the elite must delight in the thought that such a totally unnatural existence is soon to become the ‘norm’. Or at least, that’s what they are banking on. Literally. And they’ll keep on keeping on with their plans to dumb down humanity, through an expanding mass media, with the aim of converting every single human (except those in the elite family) into a drooling idiot totally dependent on the state for survival.

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