Further Reading

Saturday 7 March 2009

Full Moon in Virgo

Full Moon in Virgo ~ Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ~ This is the Full Moon of healing and service. Virgo understands that disease manifests itself in societies as well as in individuals. There is so much dis-ease in our world and we all need to awaken to our role as healers. The soulful, peacemaking Pisces Sun opposes the scientific, nature-based healing Virgo Moon. What a perfect night to release your New Moon in Pisces intentions for global/personal peace and healing.

The Pisces Sun conjunct Uranus (the awakener) rules pure transcendence, selflessness, unconditional love. These energies literally cover and hide the energy of the practical, analytical Virgo Moon; veiling this Moon’s clarity and grounded reality-based thinking. Additionally, the Moon is conjunct Saturn, so the harsh realities of our world will weigh heavily upon each of us on this Full Moon. On the other hand, this opposition enlivens the integration of healing through transcendence and attending to bodily health.

Moon/Saturn in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn (transformation through concrete action) and Mars in Pisces (open, spacious mind) invite us to embark upon a path of mindful inquiry in a fully embodied, yet open-minded way. Along with the conjunction of Chiron/Neptune/Mars in Aquarius (acting from a desire to free ourselves from delusion) provides the fuel for the mind to awaken to its true Buddha nature.

So let’s talk a bit about Virgo, which most people consider perfectionistic, critical, analytical, organized, discriminating, scientific, empirical, and calculating. In truth, we all express our Virgo side when we strive to be our best. Virgo is the healer, the doctor, the nurse, the teacher, the therapist, the worker, the researcher, the scientist, and the engineer. Virgo is the true healer of the zodiac because in its mind, if it causes pain, it warrants attention and a cure. For Virgo, caring comes in the form of finding workable solutions to everyday problems.

This is the Full Moon to celebrate the body and take responsibility for our health. If you are currently dealing with a serious health issue, don’t take anything at face value.
Mercury/Sun/Uranus in Pisces, Moon/Saturn in Virgo, and Mars/Neptune/Chiron in Aquarius create ideal conditions for radically questioning all aspects of how you deal with dis-ease. What are the psychic causes of physical illness? What are the spiritual implications of disease? What is my body trying to tell me about my life? If my current methods are not working, what healing processes have I rejected in the past due to a fear of trying something different? Become an active partner in your healing process. Read the research, ask lots of questions and engage your practitioners in dialogue about your progress. Virgo wants to understand the mechanics of illness so that it can better affect a cure. This kind of questioning may include opening yourself to alternative treatments or new approaches.

By the way, this is the ideal Full Moon to start a weight loss or de-tox program, especially with Venus in Aries (new beginnings) and Chiron in radical change, tell-it-like-it-is, unemotional Aquarius. Virgo rules a desire for purity and cleanliness. At its worst, this desire can manifest as compulsive hand washing, anorexia, extreme asceticism, strict dietary regimens and hypochondria. At its best, it becomes an insistence on maintaining good health by watching what we ingest. For this reason, the Full Moon in Virgo reflects a tremendous desire to throw off unhealthy habits that create sickness and sadness in our lives.

For those of you who committed to releasing addictions and committing to health on the New Moon in Aquarius, this is the time to begin your program and commit to health and healing. Mercury in Pisces creates a special challenge to arise out of the Neptunian fog of addiction, get real, get embodied, and start being a contributing member of society. No one gets a free ride, no one.

Speaking of contributing our gifts to the world, this is the time to celebrate those who work tirelessly to serve the needy, the wounded, and the infirm. If you have a friend or a loved one who is one of these amazing people, you might want to give them a chance to turn some of that love and attention inward. Encourage them to take a day off, get a massage, go out hiking in a beautiful setting, or just rest and relax at home. Believe me they won’t do it on their own, even if they actually admit to being burned-out. You’ll them along! If you work for one of our helping/healing institutions (hospitals, food banks, NGO’s, non-profits, mental health groups, healing centers, homeless shelters, social work departments) think of a way to celebrate your hard work. Organize a lunch party or hire a massage therapist to come in and do chair massage.

This Virgo Full Moon also gives us all an opportunity to make friends with our inner critic; that slave driver who can be either a helpmate or a hindrance. For those of you with strong Virgo in your charts, this is the Full Moon to tame the perfectionist living inside your head. You know… the one that says, “Nothing I do is good enough.” Those inner voices of self-doubt block the ability to act with conviction. This is the time to talk back to self-doubt and take control! Use this Full Moon to say, “This is good enough!” and get your talent out there.

Virgo knows that all life comes from star-stuff. Everything you are existed 15 billion years ago at the time of the Big Bang. Virgo and Pisces enjoy a deep connection around this realization. Pisces understands the oneness of all life through a deeply spiritual lens. Virgo understands the oneness of all life through the physical realities of cosmology, mathematics and physics. If we all experienced our bodies with this kind of integrated Virgo/Piscean conscious awareness, we would experience existent transcendent reality in every cell, in every life form. There would be no violence because everything would be holy. In Virgo’s world, holiness is achieved through transcendent embodiment, and from this state of embodied awareness one can heal almost any malady. Make no mistake about it; the mind-body connection is the most powerful medicine for healing and the true wisdom of Virgo. The potential of the entire cosmos lives within the body. (Lisa Dale Miller)