Further Reading

Monday 2 March 2009

Get People To Look Up ... to the skies

Extract courtesy of Carole Pellatt: "I am a sky watcher. I always was. As a child I did so to appreciate the clouds, colors, stars, planets, shadows, shades and textures of day and night. I’ve always spent most of my time outside, and when you do, the sky becomes a familiar place. Four years ago, when I became aware of the aerial spraying of pesticides to help eradicate West Nile Virus, I became concerned about what the effects may have been, and would continue to be on my health. So I started watching the skies and fervently checking the Maricopa County Fogging schedule. For three years I’ve checked the schedule and observed the skies, checked my health and observed the skies.

One thing I started noticing a few years ago were very unnatural looking clouds or plumes. I attributed them to the aerial spraying of pesticides, and in utter frustration at the complete lack of forethought on the part of our leaders, could do nothing more than watch. I photographed these strange clouds and kept checking the fogging schedules. My internal programming was so strong that it took me until the third year to admit to myself that these strange clouds were not corresponding at all with the fogging schedules, and they were showing up at strange times of day when fogging isn’t even done because of temperatures. They were also at altitudes that would be impracticle for fogging.I started noticing completely overcast days. Not cloudy days, just hazy days. Not air pollution haze, I know what brown or yellow particulate pollution looks like in any city-especially being an ex-Californian. I watch the Phoenix sky every day and night, and every day I have a great vantage point because I drive over Papago Butte, or chase rabbits with Trane in Papago Park. From there you can see as far as the eye can see (theoretically) to the East, West, North, and South. I continued to take photos. I observed cloud patterns laid up in a grid pattern. Very often creating an “X” or something resembling a tic tac toe board. When the wind blew, you could still see remnants of where the grid patterns started. These were not clouds like anything I had ever seen, in my past, or anywhere in the world.

I was shocked to find that people from all around the world had photos that looked exactly like mine-and as you will see, they have very specific characteristics. I saw identical sky photos from Australia, Italy, Germany, Britain, Japan, Canada, Bosnia, scores of cities and rural areas across Canada-from Montreal to Comox BC, from Washington, to Boston, Kansas, Malibu, the list is endless. But I was and continue to be exasperated that no one is talking about this, and most people aren’t noticing.
I think the most important thing is that we must look up at the sky every day. Take pictures. And get people to look up and see what is going on. We must let kids know that this is not what the sky looks like. I’ve seen so many subliminal images of chemtrails that I believe when our generation is gone, the people who inherit the earth may not know what the sky really looks like. Chemtrails are showing up in school books, on news graphics, weather graphics, movies, and commercials. Please try to remember what the real sky looks like. And if you feel this article has merit, please pass it along.