Further Reading

Sunday 22 March 2009

MoD 'informed ministers' about UFO sighting over Scotland

Photographs taken of a UFO hovering next to an RAF jet over Scotland were treated very seriously by military investigators, newly-released Ministry of Defence files showed today. Witnesses saw the mysterious large diamond-shaped object hanging in the air for about 10 minutes before it ascended vertically at high speed.

Military experts concluded the aircraft was a Harrier, but could not identify the UFO despite apparently commissioning detailed line drawings of it

Fearing there could be significant media interest, the MoD took the unusual step of briefing ministers about the sighting. The incident also discloses that British military intelligence officers tasked with investigating UFO reports took a close interest in claims the US was developing a top secret spy-plane.

The sighting is included in military UFO documents made available online today by the National Archives. (Source: Daily Mail)