Further Reading

Tuesday 24 March 2009

North Pole .... satellite image?

Is this satellite image of the North Pole the real thing or a hoax?

It appears to suggest there is some kind of 'northern gate' at the top of the Earth ... which permits access to the inside of the planet.

It appears to support the Hollow Earth theories ... or does it? If the image is real, surely there is some other rational explanation for this imagery?

It can be found quite openly and easily via Google with the search 'north pole aerial view'. So that in itself suggest hoax maybe? NASA are apparently shocked with the size of the hole at the northern end of the planet? There is a correspondent hole at the South Pole?

It sounds like a few lines out of a science fiction magazine ... but just imagine if it is true and this image IS the real McCoy. There is so much image tampering and disinformation out there these days it is really hard to know what is truth and what is fiction. This seems too far fetched to be taken seriously ... but the ancient legends do tell of Agharti ... but then it cannot be true, can it?