Further Reading

Monday 30 March 2009

Orgonite Experimentation

Following the visit to the Gem Fayre which was in Canberra at the weekend, when numerous unpolished mineral species were purchased, we have been experimenting with the addition of mineral fragments and dust into the Orgonite mixes.

Malachite ... which is Copper Carbonate ... seen as the green areas on the Orgonite featured right ... is currently one of the unpolished mineral fragments which are being used.

Part of the milling non-organite constituents of the Orgonites is Copper ... we are therefore experimenting with increasing the copper content of the organite and monitoring the effect ...

Lapis, Rose Quartz and Turquoise dust fragments are also being included in Orgonite mixes ... for colour appeal (appearance) and also to add these raw mineral qualities to the Orgonites.

Many of the Orgonite Cones currently being produced ... are being created with areas of the main crystal constituent, at the top of the cone, free of resin. Experiments with Orgonites made in this way, especially those with Amethyst left free of resin, have been found to possess strong energy fields which can actually be felt as heat and tingling on the hands ...