Further Reading

Sunday 1 March 2009

Power Animals: The Shark

Sharks medicine includes the hunter, survival, adaptability, Independence, Potential, Adaptation, fearlessness, protection, power, emotional transformation, balance, clairaudience.

Unfortunately, sharks have a bad reputation as being dangerous, fearless and unpredictable. They can ignite a feeling of fear and terror in many people. A full up and single shark is generally pretty peaceful, but in large groups they can be unpredictable and may frenzy.

To those with shark medicine, protection is offered. During our individual lifetimes, we can attract events and people we clash with. If there is a situation in your life that you need to ‘scare away’, call upon shark for help. You will be give by shark the power and confidence to fend off negative elements or get rid of them completely.

Sharks have an extremely acute sense of smell and are able to smell one drop of blood in 50 million times as much water. Having no swim bladder means they can never stop swimming or they would simply sink to the bottom of the ocean. They feel the pressure waves made by a fish in troible and are sensitive to electromagnetic currents. Those with this power animal are taught how to cultivate their own sensory abilities. Studying aromatherapy would be beneficial to those with this medicine.

The shark connects us with the creative element of life - water. Through the ages water has always been linked with emotional transformation. They reveal to us the strength of the currents of our lives and see clearly in the murky waters of the future. Observing the sharks swimming patterns teaches us how to get out of our emotional conflicts efficiently. All fish in general can teach us to adapt to all environments and streamline our lives. A fish swimming down symbolizes the involution of spirit, whilst a fish swimming up is the evolution of the spirit.

A shark in captivity can be trained to do simple tasks such as telling apart certain objects from others in the water, and can recognise the ringing of a bell for a meal. Shark people need time to themselves to remain calm, balanced and centred, or they can turn irritable, anxious and aggressive in demeanour.

When shark swims into your life, this often signifies that one of the senses will be awakened - visions, prophetic dreams, or clairaudience is possible. There will be a greater connection with the spiritual realm.

For shark people, staying busy and active is very beneficial. Work-alcoholics often have Shark as a power animal. Those with shark also are often able to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. They also often have an acute sense of smell - trust what ‘smells’ right. (Source: shamanic journey.com)